Illini Sports Blog

Here's why the Memorial Stadium ushers & staff are terrible people

I get that the game is over, and their job is to clear the stands. But do they really have to CLEAR THE STANDS? As in, send ushers through to groups of people who are standing and chatting and say "let's go -- time to leave"? I mean, they did a sweep of the West Balcony today not even five minutes after the final horn.

I totally regret deleting that first recording I made. I walked down to the front row to record my From The Stands and waited for the band to finish Illinois Loyalty (which they play as the team leaves the field). Once they started the Alma Mater, I hit record and started talking about the game with some background music. And before Alma Mater was finished, "HEY, YOU, LET'S GO! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" It's a white-jacket EVENT STAFF usher yelling from the concession area. Nice to meet you too, sir. He dispatched a green-jacket EVENT STAFF to sweep me out.

Filed under: Illini Football
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