Recent content by ejam21

  1. E

    NBA Draft

    My opinion means jack but having watched max's frosh year and cams (probably about 10 games each), i felt like Cam had the better year and played better. Could be a function of the team they chose though MSU was the better team, but max didnt shoot it well at all for a surefire NBA...
  2. E

    Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

    I'm well aware that that's how it works.....I just think its unjust and ridiculous in this particular case
  3. E

    Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

    This tactic to get a conviction when they shouldve had a good idea that he wasnt guilty is just gross.
  4. E

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    Um............yeah im liking what im seeing here ha. Would be glad to have him back whether he improved a bunch or not, but this has me cautiously optimistic that we'l see a jump. I realize its highlights but we all remmber seeing him drive the paint and get thrown way off kilter by the...
  5. E

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    Was there a post stating the gist of these demands? Just curious really
  6. E

    UConn 77, Illinois 52 Postgame

    I'm more referring to seeing them on hte bench so disappointed that they didnt have good games, not really the margin. If we lost by 5 and they had the same games they had saturday id feel the same. Those guys deserved to go out guns blazing and it didnt happen for them.
  7. E

    UConn 77, Illinois 52 Postgame

    Also looking forward to the new refrain from BU haters starting next year............"we havent made a THIRD weekend" HAHA
  8. E

    UConn 77, Illinois 52 Postgame

    It will be WEEKS before i get over how sad i am that TSJ and coleman went out this way. What a team...this game wont cloud my view of it What a fun year man
  9. E

    Game Thread: Illinois vs UConn

    No one talks about it? Are you kidding lol
  10. E

    Pregame: Illinois vs UConn, Saturday, March 30th, 5:09pm CT, TBS

    a tall shot blocker didnt stop MD from averaging 23 pts against purdue this year.......
  11. E

    Game Thread: Illinois vs Iowa State

    he probably did that bc he got the ball at 3 seconds and hte whole team yelled SHOOOT!!!!!!!! lol
  12. E

    Game Thread: Illinois vs Iowa State

    shannon has been hit 2-3 times htis half with no call
  13. E

    Game Thread: Illinois vs Iowa State

    if you wouldve told me we could be up 10 at half or roll the dice, im taking the 10 each time. dont care how lol Same effot on boards and defense and we win.
  14. E

    Game Thread: Illinois vs Iowa State

    BS block call leads to a 5-0 run...
  15. E

    Illinois 89, Duquesne 63 Postgame

    Pretty much every loss thread is huge and filled with "this is why we wont do anything in march" posts. Hope some of them dudes learned something.