Recent content by vikings001

  1. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    They weren’t the top team at the championships though far from it. Top team in golf is hard generally they just go off stroke play tournaments, stroke play not match play and SOS. Also I could be wrong but normally match play is won by a team ranked in the 3-8 range coming in not 1.
  2. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    I’m curious to see if small hits the transfer portal at all this offseason for 1-2 guys like he did last year. If he doesn’t he has a great 3 man core in JB, Voois, and herendeen. Wilson showed some promise as a freshman, and then you got 3 incoming promising recruits as freshman. He’ll have a...
  3. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Except you can theoretically beat him by strokes and lose. I like what D2 does.
  4. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Illinois does a match play tournament in January normally in Florida tinervin cup I believe it is.
  5. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Yea the only matchup decision I disagreed with was Ryan on tai. But idk if small put Ryan on him or put Ryan up and GT coach put tai on him.
  6. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Sargent just fell apart wow. Osu will probably win easily. Crazy. All lower seeds won.
  7. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Hes why I didn’t want to play a GT. Wish we got OSU instead.
  8. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Golf is a wild inconsistent game. But it’s not golf that’s the reason for this. It’s match play. I remember in like 2/4 last Illini losses they had better stroke scores as a team than their opponent but lost match play.
  9. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    There’s a good chance that all the lower seeds win.. fun format but not the best to determine a winner.
  10. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Wow JBs opponent is on fire. Still in it..huge birdie for Ryan as piercen loses. Need Ryan to win 2 out of 3 and tie the other or win all 3.
  11. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Back 9 is hurting us so bad. After we did so well on it all week. It’s over after hunt loses 15. Need him or Ryan to win 3 straight.
  12. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    poor Ryan just ran into a very on form golfer and couldn’t keep up. I think it’s down to hunt. Tyler has lost and somehow Jackson opponent just birdied 16 and is still in it.
  13. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    That’s very true and it’s always been true. It’s ridiculous disaster holes are a part of golf. You’re seeing it with Virginia too who did the same thing as us mostly and is now Struggling.
  14. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Well we got 2. Just need to somehow find the other 1.
  15. V

    Illinois Golf 2023-24

    Goecke has collapsed he’s played bad on the back which is shocking. All through stroke play he’s played great on the back. Carried us far but man him and hunts matchups boggle my mind. After stroke play we should’ve had the advantage in both. Especially goeckes.