Florida Atlantic 73, Illinois 71 OT POSTGAME

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I agree the logistics of this schedule were not ideal, and not playing 7-8 cupcakes at home (like KSU did) this year hurts a young and underdeveloped team.

That said, this “monster schedule” stuff is a bit overblown. We’ve played some P5 schools, Gonzaga was certainly good, but Georgetown, ISU, Xavier, Mizzou, and ND are all middling teams this year. A competent level of basketball splits those games and probably wins more than half. We’ve been really bad.

We come in at #12 in strength of schedule:


So 0 and 3 against teams ranked 18 - 36, ok.

0 and 4 against teams ranked 51 and 124 on neutral or away games? Not so good.

1 and 1 against teams ranked 105 and 116 at home? Yikes

And then 3 and 1 against teams ranked 173 to 330 at home? And UNLV by 3?

So if you think the strength of schedule is the reasoning for 4 wins then your expectations are extremely low.
The Samba lovefest is hilarious. He played himself right off the court today. He had multiple plays where he yanked himself out of position on D without even really being forced to make a decision, and he is completely incapable of contributing anything but a basic handoff on offense.

I think he could be a good player. But he’s not going to help this team win games yet.

I agree that Samba isn't the silver bullet here, but OBVIOUSLY playing KN at the 5 wasn't working. Who cares if KN is "in position" if they score and rebound at will? Same result. My single biggest complaint of yesterday (outside of the loss/general *!*#-ness of the game) was the fact that BU wouldn't play Kane. 8 minutes is a travesty in that situation. Maybe we don't win with playing him more, but it at least shows that BU understands the game plan wasn't working and that he needed to try something different.

This lack of in-game adjustment is shockingly/disturbingly reminiscent of Groce-ball...
I often wonder what the half court offense is doing as well. Yesterday it looked like we abandoned the pinch post too, maybe because of the zone defense?

What I see is very little movement, cutting, screening off the ball. Nothing designed to get guys open. I do think part of the problem is guys freelancing but that’s something the coaches need to correct/resolve.

Reminded me of " Weber- Ball" during the declining years of the Weber regime
Nobody said Samba Kane would be a huge difference maker as some suggest. However, he's brings a presence to the post nobody else can. He can block or alter a shot, which they need. And Underwood needs to get these freshman some time on the floor! Your trying to develop these guys, get them game time and still try to win the game. Playing say 15 minutes would not be an unreasonable amount of time for him or Grif or Jones.
So 0 and 3 against teams ranked 18 - 36, ok.

0 and 4 against teams ranked 51 and 124 on neutral or away games? Not so good.

1 and 1 against teams ranked 105 and 116 at home? Yikes

And then 3 and 1 against teams ranked 173 to 330 at home? And UNLV by 3?

So if you think the strength of schedule is the reasoning for 4 wins then your expectations are extremely low.

Didn't say anything about expectations. Merely said with so many freshmen trying to find their footing and gain confidence, it was a bad time to take on the 12th most difficult schedule.
Didn't say anything about expectations. Merely said with so many freshmen trying to find their footing and gain confidence, it was a bad time to take on the 12th most difficult schedule.

The last line was just a statement in general and not really meant towards you. And part of the problem with this years strength of schedule is the Big Ten wanting more money for the extra 2 conference games.
I will simply say that there is still time this year for defining wins and a turn around. Maybe it won't materialize, but it's still possible.

That being said, if this locker room is lost and/or there are more than one or two transfers, sound the alarm.

You can't recruit "your guys" for "your system" and then run them out in less than a year.
Years ago, the top coaches in college bball gathered and talked about offenses. They all concluded the high pick with four players spread (Groce ball) was the present way to go.

The reason was offenses based on cuts through the middle and timing plays would get blown up by defenders holding and obstructing. This is one reason we can't score off the double cuts. The other reason is that Kobe Bryant isn't one of those players. To score off that option the wing had to catch in the lane and score off the dribble or hit a fade. To catch it at the block he needs to be able to post and score. We don't have that player on the roster.

That being said we get good scoring looks off this offense. Unfortunately the guys on the team can't consistently hit open 3s and layups. We don't have the height or athlete's to catch the lobs on those isolation plays.

I think going forward we have the guards, but really need two Tevian type players (6-7 athletic) wings. Also need another big, ad we all knew.
I think going forward we have the guards, but really need two Tevian type players (6-7 athletic) wings. Also need another big, ad we all knew.
This, I feel, is an insightful observation. Kipper is supposed to be one of these people but he is a huge head case. And Tevian is still out on suspension. So we're crippled.
I've always loved coaches who get their players to play HARD. Coaches whose guys are living and dying with their ability to fight for loose balls, pick it up on defense when the game gets to critical moments, make hard plays, do the work of boxing out even if they aren't great natural rebounders, and do the other little things that add up to being competitive, and winning. Coaches who get most guys who buy-in to the system, understand roles, and don't get thrown off their game even when the opponent is trying to impose their will. To me, that's the eye test part of a team. TEAM that's greater than the sum of the parts. We're failing badly at that.

I can say that I've seen moments of that type of fight with these guys. AJ and Trent stick out. But we're no where close to what it takes to compete in the BIG, and I don't see the line-ups we have getting there anytime soon. Could they? Sure. But sadly, the season's over except for maybe a moral victory when someone higher in the conference has a really bad game. It's just staggering as a fan to think the conference season has barely started, and it's Game Over for post-season except the mandatory BIG tourney appearance.

I can't see ANY possibility of meaningful success this season, and I suspect that the players all know this, even if they talk the talk. These guys HAVE to be doubting Underwood, because what he's preaching hasn't been successful. As Bardo said, once you lose a team, it's very hard to get them back.

Giving away games happens. I get that. But when you come in to a game against a clearly inferior opponent looking woefully unprepared for the fight at hand, it begs the question of when will you ever be prepared? And why would you expect people to watch it or support it?

Is it possible that we still have a larger problem with Kipper? Rough to point out but his attitude makes a team approach difficult. I don't think a coach like Underwood can afford to have someone who openly disregards the coach's communication. Kipper is a leader but appears to not like Illinois coaches' authority?
I was too numb to post anything Saturday or Sunday after the loss . the level of play against FAU was embarrassing to say the least as it seemed like the last thing the Illini players wanted to do was play a game...seemed lackadaisical and a step slow the whole game until the flurry at the end of regulation...I really thought we would win the game after Ayo's 3 to tie it up, but the same disinterest followed into OT with the missed FT's by trent being another nail in the horrible season so far.....it will take a miracle to get to 10 wins for the season and I expect some players are already thinking of bolting the team at season's end...

The downward spiral continues for the BB team with little hope of returning to prominence anytime soon.....sad but true. !!!!
Is it possible that we still have a larger problem with Kipper? Rough to point out but his attitude makes a team approach difficult. I don't think a coach like Underwood can afford to have someone who openly disregards the coach's communication. Kipper is a leader but appears to not like Illinois coaches' authority?
The problem is a lot bigger than just Kipper. Before the camera pans away after a timeout, watch the how the players react to Underwood.
I was too numb to post anything Saturday or Sunday after the loss . the level of play against FAU was embarrassing to say the least as it seemed like the last thing the Illini players wanted to do was play a game...seemed lackadaisical and a step slow the whole game until the flurry at the end of regulation...I really thought we would win the game after Ayo's 3 to tie it up, but the same disinterest followed into OT with the missed FT's by trent being another nail in the horrible season so far.....it will take a miracle to get to 10 wins for the season and I expect some players are already thinking of bolting the team at season's end...

The downward spiral continues for the BB team with little hope of returning to prominence anytime soon.....sad but true. !!!!
If this is the case, this is on the coaching staff.
The problem is a lot bigger than just Kipper. Before the camera pans away after a timeout, watch the how the players react to Underwood.
Unfortunately, the only way to handle a screamer is to walk away from him or her. If one stands there and takes it all in, one's confidence is eventually destroyed. See what upperclassmen and, professional athletes, (even Alabama football players do when Saban goes on one of his rants) do when confronted by a screamer. I think that there is a lot of uncertainty on the floor. Guys are being yelled at for many things and not being sure of what to do causes a player to be tentative. I think this was huge problem that Mark Smith had offensively last year. I think BU is trying to teach them but, it is very difficult being a freshman or, even a sophomore, going into a system and being told to not shoot the ball so quick when one has always come down and shot it whenever one desired (see Trent in the latest game). No one likes getting screamed at and one knows if a shot is missed that this is going to happen. It may take some guys a little longer to truly learn what they should be doing in a given offense. It is not that the game necessarily slows down but, that they gain a better understanding and acceptance of what is expected of them. It is very difficult to change lifelong habits and even more so to do this while a coach is going nuts on you during a game. I don't have a problem with BU screaming so much if he is taking the time to calmly explain what is bothering him. If I screwed up in practice or a game, scream at me all you want. If I have no idea why you are screaming, eventually I am going to tune you out. Everyone is not motivated by the same things. Just tired of seeing solutions to problems (in my eyes) that can be fixed.
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