Game Thread: Illinois vs Michigan

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Oh boy we are being obliterated so far. This looks like a college team vs a high school team. Both of their lines are dominating us. Have we ever had a game without first down? That may happen today.
100+ yards rushing on the 2nd offensive series for michigan
This is a high school team v a college team
A defensive coach who's defense is offensive
The head coach should fire the defensive coordinator.

I say we go all in and Whitman convinces John Holecek to coach. If not, head coach, make him the defensive coordinator and sell him he is the coach in waiting. Tell Lovie he is no longer coaching defense or he is gone. I know it is unheard of and a huge gamble but it can’t get any worse!
Commentator is 100% correct. If the screen isn’t there, throw the ball into the dirt at his feet and get yourself to 3rd down. Terrible.
Robinson looks like a dead duck in the water. Put IW in for good
Everything Michigan is doing on offense is stuff that Illinois should be able to do. It's just fundamental football, executed well.
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