Illinois 77, UNLV 74 POSTGAME

Personalities are different as to how they react. A lot come in cocky and already know everything. Some are intimidated and need to build confidence. Common method is to tear them down and then build them up. However you don't want them to evaluate as they are playing but react automatically with what they have been taught. That is a confidence Trent has had since day one. Smith looked like the other end of the spectrum and seldom looked comfortable. Not a coach but in business I never found micromanaging to be very successful and you only want to rant on mistakes when they don't understand why it was a mistake. Once they understand why they already feel bad and you need to go to the positives. They need to be having fun to build an attitude and play freely IMO.

Deleted member 29907

What evidence is there to suggest Kane will struggle. If he did struggle he would certainly have a lot of company :)
His coach and teammates have stated such in previous interviews (in softer words (e.g. still learning the offense/defense) albeit)
What difference does it make if he struggles. He is a college basketball player. He is not a rookie NFL quarterback. In my opinion reality shock therapy is preferable to "baptism on the bench.'

Yeah, well the guy coaching the team thinks otherwise. I'll go with his 30+ years in the business vs your????