Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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I trust Rod Smith's opinion on McClain. But I am very interested to see what the Oline looks like under him this year. They are primed to take a step forward with maturity and experience. But getting some "evidence" of what McClain can do for an Olineman I suspect would give him a boost. From what I can tell, the dude works recruiting hard
McClain is a very good teacher. Teaches them on every rep. If you can get to practice the next couple weeks I would go and see for yourself.
Seemed like a Beckman/Cubit reach. But he's #787 on 247 (3 star), which is actually pretty good. Projecting offensive lineman is the biggest crapshoot. Maybe he's a bit of a sleeper. Lord knows we need OL. Can't teach size. This appears to be a much better get than I initially thought.
Something has to be off with that ranking. His Hudl tape is unimpressive. Went to camp at Louisville and didn't get an offer. The WV offer, the only other P5 offer, is on the bottom of his offer list, which I assume means a non-committable offer. (Anyone with insight?) He doesn't look 6'6" and 290, surprise, surprise. I agree projecting OL is the biggest crapshoot. He has some size and can definitely put on more weight. I'm assuming he is very coach-able (some kids aren't).
McClain is a very good teacher. Teaches them on every rep. If you can get to practice the next couple weeks I would go and see for yourself.
Agreed, but you don't have to go to practice. There is a video somewhere of him mic'd up coaching. I thought he was terrific. He was giving feedback on every rep, praised what he saw that was good in technique and said what was needed to be improved on. So I'm hoping McClain really sees something in Griffin and this isn't just a "we need bodies" recruit.
Something has to be off with that ranking. His Hudl tape is unimpressive. Went to camp at Louisville and didn't get an offer. The WV offer, the only other P5 offer, is on the bottom of his offer list, which I assume means a non-committable offer. (Anyone with insight?) He doesn't look 6'6" and 290, surprise, surprise. I agree projecting OL is the biggest crapshoot. He has some size and can definitely put on more weight. I'm assuming he is very coach-able (some kids aren't).

Agreed, but you don't have to go to practice. There is a video somewhere of him mic'd up coaching. I thought he was terrific. He was giving feedback on every rep, praised what he saw that was good in technique and said what was needed to be improved on. So I'm hoping McClain really sees something in Griffin and this isn't just a "we need bodies" recruit.

If you're going off of 247, West Virginia is last because it's alphabetical for teams he's not committed to.
If you're going off of 247, West Virginia is last because it's alphabetical for teams he's not committed to.
Ah, that makes sense, thank you. It was actually Rivals, which had Louisville last (because they did not offer). WV already has two higher rated OL committed.
Nice detective work, Dren....could be.
6'6" yesterday, 6'7" for this young man - shouldn't we be targeting "non-giants" for OL given our likely (hopefully) starting QB over the next 3-4 years?


Besides the fact that essentially anyone over 6-2" would in theory pose a problem for Isaiah, eliminating approximately 90% of the potential OL recruits available, this theory has been proven moot in a very large number of cases. The only thing we should be worried about is landing good prospects. Nothing more.
Werner mentioning Blaise Sparks as attending BBQ and a hopeful at OT

I'm pretty sure he said for 2020 guys that Quadre Nicholson would be there as well. He's supposed to commit in the next few weeks I believe.

Sounds like we've offered a couple DBs recently too. Big, big week.
Long time daily lurker here. Just thought I’d post for once.

Does anyone know if Coach Gil Byrd recruits? For someone with his job title, I have rarely, if ever, seen him mentioned in articles offering anyone, uncovering a particular recruit or even going on the road to recruit. It just seems that in our situation, we need all hands on deck in recruiting and if they aren’t then that alone is putting us at a disadvantage.
Long time daily lurker here. Just thought I’d post for once.

Does anyone know if Coach Gil Byrd recruits? For someone with his job title, I have rarely, if ever, seen him mentioned in articles offering anyone, uncovering a particular recruit or even going on the road to recruit. It just seems that in our situation, we need all hands on deck in recruiting and if they aren’t then that alone is putting us at a disadvantage.
Gil is definitely more coach than recruiter. He will go on the road a little bit but he doesn’t recruit a heck of a lot.
You really can't have as many guys like that as we do.
While it’s really only him that doesn’t go out an recruit. I have always been in the camp that I’d rather have a coaching staff full of big time recruiters rather than the “teachers”
While it’s really only him that doesn’t go out an recruit. I have always been in the camp that I’d rather have a coaching staff full of big time recruiters rather than the “teachers”

It's one thing to have old guys who have trouble handling the physical grind of it, or people who are too big time and not hard working enough, but in general I tend to believe coaching and recruiting ability are less distinct than the totally separate things they're made out to be. It's all about connecting with young people at the end of the day.
Nice detective work, Dren....could be.
6'6" yesterday, 6'7" for this young man - shouldn't we be targeting "non-giants" for OL given our likely (hopefully) starting QB over the next 3-4 years?
We've been underpowered in the line and have seen how that has worked. I'd rather have the QB protected and have time to see around his defenders...than not being defended. Besides, you need big guys to open doors for Reggie and Company.
It's one thing to have old guys who have trouble handling the physical grind of it, or people who are too big time and not hard working enough, but in general I tend to believe coaching and recruiting ability are less distinct than the totally separate things they're made out to be. It's all about connecting with young people at the end of the day.

Some people just really know their Xs and Os plus technique. Can be pretty valuable to have some of them around to pass on the knowledge.
While it’s really only him that doesn’t go out an recruit. I have always been in the camp that I’d rather have a coaching staff full of big time recruiters rather than the “teachers”

Recruiting can only take teams so far. Eventually, they'll have to go out and execute. Teams are full of 5 and 4 stars that don't win NCs or just flat out suck, Texas, Miami, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Georgia, Oklahoma, Oregon, LSU, Florida.
Recruiting can only take teams so far. Eventually, they'll have to go out and execute. Teams are full of 5 and 4 stars that don't win NCs or just flat out suck, Texas, Miami, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Georgia, Oklahoma, Oregon, LSU, Florida.
Let’s compare our history to the history of all the schools you just named.....I think we’d all take what those schools have had.
Let’s compare our history to the history of all the schools you just named.....I think we’d all take what those schools have had.
Of course you are correct.....but we are not loaded with 4 and 5 star recruits. I'm sure that many of those schools are extremely frustrated with their performance on the field compared to their team on paper. Rabid fans at programs with historically high performing levels have high expectations. It is sad that our expectations have not been very high in a while but many of those teams are brutally underperforming based on the talent on the team - even more so than the Beloved.
It's one thing to have old guys who have trouble handling the physical grind of it, or people who are too big time and not hard working enough, but in general I tend to believe coaching and recruiting ability are less distinct than the totally separate things they're made out to be. It's all about connecting with young people at the end of the day.
I agree with your point. However, I am not sure if you are insinuating that Gil is not hard working. If you are, then I don't agree with you
Recruiting can only take teams so far. Eventually, they'll have to go out and execute. Teams are full of 5 and 4 stars that don't win NCs or just flat out suck, Texas, Miami, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Georgia, Oklahoma, Oregon, LSU, Florida.
Tennessee really falls in line there as well
I agree with your point. However, I am not sure if you are insinuating that Gil is not hard working. If you are, then I don't agree with you

I mean, I have no idea, but that was just a list of reasons why a good coach might not be an effective recruiter.

I think the image of the chalk-stained X's and O's savant who is too Nutty Professor to win over players on the recruiting trail is way overstated. To the extent there are coaches like that, they're probably relying on the effective communicators and motivators of young people on the staff to communicate and teach their ideas.

If there's one thing we learned from the Bruce Weber era, it's that the quality of ideas in the coaches head means nothing if there isn't effective transmission into the player's heads. Weber's coaching limitations and his recruiting limitations were one and the same problem, which is my point.
Let’s compare our history to the history of all the schools you just named.....I think we’d all take what those schools have had.
Talking about 2016-present. Not the distant past, that current recruits are not even old enough to remember. Just showing up and expecting to win national titles due to star rankings, does not cut it. Players need to be taught the right way to execute.
Talking about 2016-present. Not the distant past, that current recruits are not even old enough to remember. Just showing up and expecting to win national titles due to star rankings, does not cut it. Players need to be taught the right way to execute.
I think what I’m trying to say. Is that every college coach knows the game and can teach the recruiting becomes the biggest point of emphasis for me because all the coaches can teach the game is about getting talent and getting talent to mesh with other talent.
Recruiting can only take teams so far. Eventually, they'll have to go out and execute. Teams are full of 5 and 4 stars that don't win NCs or just flat out suck, Texas, Miami, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Georgia, Oklahoma, Oregon, LSU, Florida.
Correct me if I am wrong (not looking it up), but haven't all those teams won at least one national title since 1980 (UGA)? I know it has been a long time since '80, but only 1 team gets to win each year.

edit, corrected year for UGA, thought 83, also looked it up, these teams, plus Tennessee have won or shared 19 titles since 1980, only Oregon has not won a national title.
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