Illini Sports Blog

BTN-Comcast bait-and-switch is unacceptable

...When the [Illinois - Louisiana] game NEVER came on, despite all the program guides saying it would, I called one of the higher-up Comcast people for an explanation around halftime of the game, right after the game was over, he called me back, and I posted this on Illiniboard:

"The BTN chooses what game is the primary game for each state. That game goes on the main BTN channel for Comcast. BTN made their decision late enough in the week so that Comcast could not change their guides to reflect that the NW game was going to be on instead of the Illinois game."

In other words, if you had basic Comcast cable in Illinois, you were not going to get the Illinois game, and this could happen again later in the year if Illinois and NW have games scheduled at the same time. | Thread Filed under: Big Ten Network
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