Nebraska 75, Illinois 60 POSTGAME

What I don’t understand is why other coaches can just come in and win. Ohio state and Indiana both have teams that weren’t supposed to be good yet they are. Did this program really get left that high and dry by Groce? I just don’t get it.
This is the most relevent question to ask. The answer is recruiting. Our brand aint sellin.
The strength of this team is supposed to be the guards and right now that’s not happening. Hopefully it gets better with experience
Our roster resembles That of a team thst got 4-5 of their main players suspended/injured.
The odd lineups, and size mismatches. Too many guards but not much ball movement or shifting the defense. Disgusting displays of hero ball, leading to bad shots or getting rejected.
Crazy defensive breakdowns and mental lapses leading to some of the most numbskulled fouling in history.

This season looks like a throwaway season until the roster fills and develops more. Still going to watch and see if these players grow, but I don’t expect any post season from this shell of a roster.

I’m most disappointed in Trent so far this season. He talks about and identifies what he needs to improve on coming into this season, but really haven’t seen him making those strides. He wants to be the team leader, he needs to be held accountable.

I hope i’m wrong and the Orange and Blue win the next 20 games.
Nebby has more talent...and although I've been of the BU train, Miles may be my be my favorite coach in the conference. Giorgi was good again...Kipper was what I expected him to be all year, which was pretty good. Everyone else, not so great.
What I don’t understand is why other coaches can just come in and win. Ohio state and Indiana both have teams that weren’t supposed to be good yet they are. Did this program really get left that high and dry by Groce? I just don’t get it.

I think this falls completely on Underwood! Bad offensive and defensive schemes, bad player retention and bad recruiting. I like Giorgi as much as the other fan boys on here but he doesn't start for another Big Ten team and probably can't start for any other Power 5 team.
Big supporter of BU but seems like he has already lost this years team. Doesnt look like anyone wants to be out there no team chemistry. Like I have said before cant give teams 30 to 40 free throws free points a game and win will never happen.
Big supporter of BU but seems like he has already lost this years team. Doesnt look like anyone wants to be out there no team chemistry. Like I have said before cant give teams 30 to 40 free throws free points a game and win will never happen.

This all day long. They talked about how together they were all off season (granted, they aren't going to say "I only like a couple of these guys") and I get losing sucks for them as players more than it does for us as fans..but it doesn't look Ike there is any chemistry at all.
Nebby has more talent...and although I've been of the BU train, Miles may be my be my favorite coach in the conference. Giorgi was good again...Kipper was what I expected him to be all year, which was pretty good. Everyone else, not so great.
Il starting guards 9/30. Giorgi and Kipper 11/14.

If the Guards play like they can and we can get KN and Giorgi to give us 30 each night, we will win against Nebraska and others in the future.

Bright side....we won 2d half.
Brad Underwood’s system is failing in spectacular fashion. Adapt and survive, refuse and fail. It appears Underwood is choosing not to adapt. It appears Brad Underwood is going to fail and it doesn’t look like he will be coaching at Illinois long.
What I don’t understand is why other coaches can just come in and win. Ohio state and Indiana both have teams that weren’t supposed to be good yet they are. Did this program really get left that high and dry by Groce? I just don’t get it.
Brad gutted the roster. Only 2 remain from John's team. Trent & Da' Monte never played while he was coach. But, I completely agree with the statement about coaches coming in and having immediate success .
Just for a few minutes would like to see Georgi, de la Rosa and Kane playing same time. That will cause matchup problems. Can’t hurt. No-one seems to score in positionless basketball
Brad Underwood’s system is failing in spectacular fashion. Adapt and survive, refuse and fail. It appears Underwood is choosing not to adapt. It appears Brad Underwood is going to fail and it doesn’t look like he will be coaching at Illinois long.
It does appear that BU has decided to play his system at all costs for the future. However, I agree with you that that could backfire spectacularly. Recruiting may become much tougher if this season does not resurrect itself.
Have to laugh at all the Div. 1 coaches and assistants posting here with all the solutions to our problems. I did not see today’s game, but have watched every other game this year. The product on the floor falls short of what we would like to see, but it’s still better than Groce-ball or Weber-ball. We knew this year was not going to be what we want to see in Illini BB, but yet we insist on believing we’re going to turn into KY or Duke in a couple of years. Weber and Groce left us with fecal matter for talent, and it takes time to recover from that. Any other expectations beyond .500 for this year were delusional. I think that’s where we’ll end up, if maybe a touch above, with an eye towards a tournament team next year and beyond.

I’ll try to enjoy watching the games this year and not throw things at my tv, but I certainly won’t let our flagship sports define my outlook on life.

500 or what are u smoking?
Have to laugh at all the Div. 1 coaches and assistants posting here with all the solutions to our problems. I did not see today’s game, but have watched every other game this year. The product on the floor falls short of what we would like to see, but it’s still better than Groce-ball or Weber-ball. We knew this year was not going to be what we want to see in Illini BB, but yet we insist on believing we’re going to turn into KY or Duke in a couple of years. Weber and Groce left us with fecal matter for talent, and it takes time to recover from that. Any other expectations beyond .500 for this year were delusional. I think that’s where we’ll end up, if maybe a touch above, with an eye towards a tournament team next year and beyond.

I’ll try to enjoy watching the games this year and not throw things at my tv, but I certainly won’t let our flagship sports define my outlook on life.

I used to believe it was better than Groce/Weber and I felt that way last year. However, I am not so sure after watching the last couple of games since Gonzaga. They really look pathetic.