Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (August 2019)

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I don't think AZ even plays in the hemisphere as the Gray area.
This like everything else on this board is Speculation, but Is it possible that Walker saw yet another in state talent slipping toward a gray area school and decided to go into the gray area to keep him? JW found out about it and is transitioning him out?
I’m just wondering if so much speculation and discussion of ‘gray areas’ is wise for IL. We all know the NCAA just loves to put it to our beloved for any reason they can...
I'm not trying to downplay Walker's importance because an assistant's job is so much more than recruiting, but a key measuring stick for Assistants "leaving" their role is "does this hurt us in recruiting in any way?" I think you can make the case that OA leaving would leave us in a lurch with his international ties and some of his current recruits. I think that if Chin left it would be a void with having to re-establish ties back into Chicago and with the Irvins. However, with Walker, I don't think I've heard any panic from anyone regarding any recruits now that Kalc is no longer considering us. There's no big recruit like we had back when it was critical to retain him, that we can say we'll be missing. I hate to reduce it down to that because an assistant's job is so much more, but if we haven't lost anything on the recruiting side with an assistant...that's at least 50% of their job!
Im not upset losing Walker, as I have not been a fan of his as a recruiter since he was brought back on. Great guy, great family just couldn't get it done unfortunately.

I really would have liked to have Gentry in Geoff's role more so than Walker's. Gentry kind of scares me as a recruiter, but he is an amazing X and O guy.

The Rev is who I wanted if BU was going to make a change but when he went to Gonzaga I assumed Walker was going to be retained, which I would have understood but to try and make a change this late in the game didn't give BU many "elite" options. Makes no sense to me.

Now having to pay both Walker and Gentry, got to be in the ballpark $$ wise that it would have taken to bring in Powell.
What does Walker have to do with Miller? Unless you're suggesting he was the one in the gray for us?
Walker should have nothing to do with it. Underwood should be on Miller & if any assistant should be his primary its Chin Coleman who has the ties to the Mac Irvin Fire.
I don't know what this means, because if I hear about someone playing in the brown area, the connotations are not suitable for a family board such as this.
I think means there is not a lot that is green in Arizona.
From what I have read, sounds like Arizona has been flashing around a lot of green.

I'd be surprised if this were the case in any common knowledge, provable sort of way since Sean Miller is already inches away from getting canned for exactly these sorts of accusations.
I'd be surprised if this were the case in any common knowledge, provable sort of way since Sean Miller is already inches away from getting canned for exactly these sorts of accusations.
Leopard. Spots?
I'd be surprised if this were the case in any common knowledge, provable sort of way since Sean Miller is already inches away from getting canned for exactly these sorts of accusations.
My comment was just a joke about recent green in Arizona. Not specific to the Adam Miller recruitment.
Does only one school pay for the flight/expense? I wonder if asu/ua share cost/OV tally.

ILL have been attacking OV all wrong...triple up on OV with help from Ill Wesleyan and Millikin!!!
I'd be surprised if this were the case in any common knowledge, provable sort of way since Sean Miller is already inches away from getting canned for exactly these sorts of accusations.

Pardon my cynicism, but winning is vastly more important than not getting caught by the NCAA. The NCAA is pretty toothless, and even when they try, there are lots of guys out there who've cheated and come right back to the sport. Getting caught by the feds is certainly a real problem, but how often is that going to happen?
Does only one school pay for the flight/expense? I wonder if asu/ua share cost/OV tally.

ILL have been attacking OV all wrong...triple up on OV with help from Ill Wesleyan and Millikin!!!

Good idea, after all aren't we looking at Millikin's 5th year PG?
You and Chukwu should consider a Comedy Central appearance. I'm sure it would go over fantastically.
I’d watch.

TC balances out some of the “we are going to win big with guys nobody else was recruiting!” folks. Helps keeps the scales even around here.

Truth is always somewhere in the middle.
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