Coaching Carousel

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I will say that I never felt like Miller was a great choice. Didn't predict this level of failure, but I felt like the love affair was based on some splashy tourney appearances more than game to game, season to season performance. Glad we escaped that one. If Groce hadn't been so tight with him, who knows, we may have ended up with him.
If he wants to coach instead of just counting his money, I bet he gets picked up by a mid-Major or mid-P5 school and does well. His Dayton teams were good. If he really wants a challenge, maybe DePaul?
Yes he could !! Just remember he is just like one of the players we just watched win the tournament, a TEAM !!!! Underwood has assembled great minds in all aspects of the game, coaching and recruiting. I hope everyone stays in tact for a while. Just like Ayo did, stay for another year, oh yea!!
A nice thought, but assistant coaches have the same motivations in their careers as anyone. They work hard to do well in the hope of advancing to better opportunities with better compensation. Surely there are some who would be content to remain in a solid situation even if it means less money, but I can only imagine this being an exception to the general rule, and a notion which has its limits. It's the cost of success and all we can do is shoot our best shot to keep high level guys in the program, but if it doesn't work out, hopefully BU has some ideas for who he'd like to bring on board.
Well, we knew it was bound to happen. Sucks for us, but good for OA.
Good programs have assistants on their staff that are coveted. If nobody wants anyone on your staff, chances are you're not a very good program.

Then, it's ultimately up to OA and what his goals are. He did the head coaching gig and it didn't work out well. Maybe he doesn't want to be an administrator anymore? If that's his goal, he'll have no bigger supporter than BU. If your coaches are given opportunity for's a reflection of the Head Coach.
If Drew is interested, it's because of the $$$

Probably take a very large, guaranteed contract to pry him away. He's rebuilt Baylor better than anyone would have imagined, and that gives him a long leash and greater job security than he'd get at a new program. He's already making nearly $3mil/season. You'd also have to expect Baylor would counter with a fat increase if someone's trying to poach him.
I feel like this truly is a make or break hire for the IU legacy.

They have 5 championships but it’s been 35 years since their last one and 20 since their last final four. They’ve ended the season ranked only 5 times since Knight left.

At some point too much time has passed for anyone to remember the good ol days.


Kelso, WA
Probably take a very large, guaranteed contract to pry him away. He's rebuilt Baylor better than anyone would have imagined, and that gives him a long leash and greater job security than he'd get at a new program. He's already making nearly $3mil/season. You'd also have to expect Baylor would counter with a fat increase if someone's trying to poach him.
It would be notable. Also would be another Big 10 school "poaching" a top coach from the Big 12 (BU to Illinois from Oklahoma State).
Rick Pitino Sr hits the Blue Blood type! Would not put it past IU to go that route..
Pitino coached at Kentucky, and I think IU plays Kentucky every year. While Pitino's beef is with his former stop, Louisville, I think that would raise the profile of IU. I bet Pitino is their top candidate.
I feel like this truly is a make or break hire for the IU legacy.

They have 5 championships but it’s been 35 years since their last one and 20 since their last final four. They’ve ended the season ranked only 5 times since Knight left.

At some point too much time has passed for anyone to remember the good ol days.
*See San Francisco:



Paducah, Ky
jrmarcus said:
I bet Pitino is their top candidate.

Something tells me that the Loosiers ego is too much to think they would go for a UK - Lville former coach.....Also, he's got a lot of baggage coming with him.......
They surely will try for a home run hire but may have to settle once again for a singles, double type of hire.....

Dane Fife has put in a lot of time as an assistant in the B1G now, maybe he will be considered......


Bonnaroo Land
Pitino would probably not be a candidate, but just in case, I did some investigating. There is a club in Bloomington called Night Moves, all boxes checked if they wish to pursue him.

Joel Goodson

Pitino would probably not be a candidate, but just in case, I did some investigating. There is a club in Bloomington called Night Moves, all boxes checked if they wish to pursue him.

Apparently, Italian restaurants are more his thing.
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