Penn State 79, Illinois 76 Postgame

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Like I said, made this account this year after the Northwestern loss on the road I believe. Held out and started trying to talk all optimism. Saw so many great flashes but this team is what it is and my glasses are no longer foggy.

Don’t play with a purpose
Don’t run anything on offense
Lazy on defense 75% of the time
Freshman play tough but can’t beat B1G teams on their own
Veterans don’t care at all
Can’t shoot for s***

They just have 0 purpose, they don’t care about this loss. It’s all talk. I’m sick of it. Won’t be watching our tournament game and will lose by 15+ first round. Done with this disaster.
Name does NOT check out...
The game thread toxicity carries into the postgame. Fabulous.
Not that it matters much but I have been busy using the ignore button tonight......Might just be me and you Ran and select other friends by the time i get done......

This year has been the poorest excuse for so called Illini Nation fans with the amount of awful vitriol thrown at the Illini players............

So easy to be an internet tough guy......I always wonder what would happen if the negative nancy's said what they have posted face to face with the illini players they ripped on.........

All I know is I will be in front of the screen watching the Illini's next game and rooting my arse off for an Illini win.......All you debbie downers can pound sand........and please put me on your ignore list .............I don't care at all..........

On to the NCAA tourney and LETS GO ILLINI...................
I’m not upset…just resigned to the reality of who this team is. Seem like a bunch of good guys with a ton of potential and a lot of good parts but they’re just not a great team. They are who they are…a middle of the pack team that most likely wont make it out of the first weekend yet again. This staff is really going to have to figure that out.
Like I said, made this account this year after the Northwestern loss on the road I believe. Held out and started trying to talk all optimism. Saw so many great flashes but this team is what it is and my glasses are no longer foggy.

Don’t play with a purpose
Don’t run anything on offense
Lazy on defense 75% of the time
Freshman play tough but can’t beat B1G teams on their own
Veterans don’t care at all
Can’t shoot for s***

They just have 0 purpose, they don’t care about this loss. It’s all talk. I’m sick of it. Won’t be watching our tournament game and will lose by 15+ first round. Done with this disaster.
I can agree on 1 of the above. Goodbye.
Like I said, made this account this year after the Northwestern loss on the road I believe. Held out and started trying to talk all optimism. Saw so many great flashes but this team is what it is and my glasses are no longer foggy.

Don’t play with a purpose
Don’t run anything on offense
Lazy on defense 75% of the time
Freshman play tough but can’t beat B1G teams on their own
Veterans don’t care at all
Can’t shoot for s***

They just have 0 purpose, they don’t care about this loss. It’s all talk. I’m sick of it. Won’t be watching our tournament game and will lose by 15+ first round. Done with this disaster.

yeah just had a chuckle from it, thats all my guy

You know damn well youre gonna watch the game though hahah
The game thread toxicity carries into the postgame. Fabulous.

The beautiful thing about basketball is that you settle the issue on the floor. Yes, there is the occasional foreign influence of refs who may not be up to the task. But that factor needs to be eliminated from one’s thinking. Because that’s not where losing really comes from.

It is about talent. It is about will. It is about desire. It is about execution. All of this is settled on the floor. Out in the open. You get your chance against your opponent. You either meet that challenge or you don’t. No middle ground. No mysteries.

And if you don’t prevail... you tip your hat to the guys that beat you. And you try to get better. You don’t feel sorry for yourself because that’s for losers. You let the bitter taste of defeat foul the insides your mouth and you use that bad flavor as additional motivation to not have to taste that nastiness again.

The Illini have issues. We’ve seen that all season. They are a mixture of puzzle pieces that just don’t quite fit.

The best news is that the Season is not over. The Illini have yet another chance to find some redemption. The bad news is that maybe the Illini may have to face Penn State ANOTHER TIME YET AGAIN.

To amend an old saying... Beat me once, shame on you. Beat me twice, shame on ME. Beat me Three Times... and it’s not ‘shame’ any more. It’s that the issue has been settled on the court. Three times. The glaring, blaring, harsh light of Truth.

Unless you get ONE MORE TRY...
This team might actually miss a healthy (in mind and spirit) Skyy Clark.

Might have been some drama unbeknownst to me, but lack of depth at the guard position really hurts.
Yup. You need legit guards, especially ones with PG skill, to play at a high level.
I think this has been BU's hardest team to coach. We learned a lot about portal roster construction.

You brought 2 hired guns trying to improve draft stock into a team full of freshmen and a total player leadership void.

The older players haven't been listening to BU and the freshmen played their a$$es off at times.

Just stretch after stretch of wretched play on offense with enough defensive lapses to seal our fate.

Onward and upward. :illinois:
The highest rated freshman who was supposed to be our PG left.
Post game Purdue,

“I think we're playing our best basketball,” Underwood said. “I really think we've shown that we can play with anybody in this tournament. It is win or go home, we're guaranteed nothing from here on out. We'll go fight, I know this, I wouldn't want to play us.”
Could be the offense? The spread is not the answer for me. Too many players on one side where 2 defenders can guard 3 guys. Rely on one guy to get downhill.
Agreed and everyone just standing and watching. Never have I seen less motion, fewer screens and back cuts in an offense.
Like I said, made this account this year after the Northwestern loss on the road I believe. Held out and started trying to talk all optimism. Saw so many great flashes but this team is what it is and my glasses are no longer foggy.

Don’t play with a purpose
Don’t run anything on offense
Lazy on defense 75% of the time
Freshman play tough but can’t beat B1G teams on their own
Veterans don’t care at all
Can’t shoot for s***

They just have 0 purpose, they don’t care about this loss. It’s all talk. I’m sick of it. Won’t be watching our tournament game and will lose by 15+ first round. Done with this disaster.
So it really is falling, huh?
I don’t think this at all the norm. But, we really need a point guard. In the worst way.
We need shooters. Period. End of story.

We will never know, but I honestly think a healthy Goode all season and we win 2-3 more games and get a 1st round bye.

Not just bc of his production, but because of its mere threat and bc others around him probably aren't taking as many "bad" shots.

It would have been addition and addition by subtraction.
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