Penn State 90, Illinois 89 Postgame

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Can we also have someone beside domask in bounds the ball? If domask is our primary ball handler why in bounds to tsj n he get picked?

N Hawkins missed 2 FTs n fouls the guy on the 3??
I don't want to hear how it's hard to win on the road...

If you're any good:

You don't give up 90 to Penn State.

You don't urinate down your leg in the last 3 minutes.

You don't not know how to run an inbounds play.

You don't commit stupid fouls on three point shooters.

I could go on, but I'm going to put as much effort into this post as this team does in its defense.

The more I see of this years team the more I'm reminded of previous years teams in a lot of wrong ways. I will be pleasantly surprised, bordering on shocked, if this team gets to the 2nd round let alone the 2nd weekend.
For all the talk about final four potential and all that garbage, we now witnessed the equal potential of a first round loss. I really hope this loss hurts and sits with them a long time! We can’t rely on 35 pt performances. We can’t continue playing sh#%%^ defense. We can’t piss ourselves in the last minute. Grow and learn or go home.
All season, our team has had trouble handling ball, has relatively poor court awareness on offense (lose track of the guy sneaking up behind you), can't run (doesn't have) out-of-bounds plays, and is clueless against pressure defenses. We have no real guard play: wings who mimick it, but no true guards and that shows. I think the team needs much, much more thoughtful coaching to overcome this problem.
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