Game Thread: Illinois vs Ohio State

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Why do refs never call the borderline goaltend calls for us so they can at least review?

OSU with a lot of energy and hitting shots early but we are hanging in.
I know it's early, but I don't like the way this is going with regarding the stripes. I sayin' but not sayin'. We'll see how this pans out. Ticky-tack call on QG.
Offense has been good so far but the defense leaves a lot to be desired sometimes. Need to contest better and not allow so many straightline drives.
Too bad our PTO* doesn't match our NIL.

*Pay The Officials
Wait, why are there never students at these games? I first noticed this devastatingly bad trend when there were literally zero students on either side at Braggin’ Rights last year even though the crowd was full.

I distinctly remember small student sections at the BTT and NCAA back around the mid-2000s. Do we seriously not help at least a moderate number of Krush members get to these events?!
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