Coaching Carousel (Basketball)

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omg do we need to worry about brad bolting to alabama?
I certainly recommend freaking out.

Though, I'm not sure Alabama basketball creates much interest. A big bag of cash can certainly do that, but it's been 20 years since they've had any success and 30 since any sort of consistent success prior to Oats. It's a football school for sure, so is this Will Wade and the carousel stops quite quickly?
Seth Greenberg just said that UK's NIL $$$ was around $ 2 to
$ 2.5 million a year...seems low to me..
Now suey pig's gonna put up $ 5 million yearly....who should we believe ??
Inquiring minds want to know.....
fox laughing GIF by Family Guy
I just had a 10 minute daydream about this after reading the list of richies posted earlier. It included a steakhouse dinner with JW and BU, and a next-day tour of every inch of Assembly Hall and MS.
Followed by my strong recommendations on who they should spend my 10 mil NIL gift......🙂
Arkansas kind of reminds me of a hyper-version of my hometown of Peoria in some ways, haha. A lot of outsiders focus on the more socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, and this helps to form the perception of that city/state ... but there is a ton more old money than a lot of other places and way more than the average person realize. Both seem incredibly segregated.
Interesting word choice.
UK will screw up this coaching transition, in my uninformed observation-driven opinion, precisely because the shot-callers at UK have not yet determined the lay of the land in NCAA basketball yet. If they get Nate Oates, that would be pretty good for them. Maybe great. The other guys? Drew? Pearl? Not the right decision in 2024.
Why would any coach resign his position if he didn't have a signed contract with another school?
UK made an offer to Oats … Sounds like after talking it over with his family …

They’ve decided they’re good where they’re at …

Saban being gone has also freed up some more NIL for hoops, especially after this Final 4 run …
So next offer is Scott Drew or…?
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