Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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To me, it just seems to be the one source, that Evansville Reporter with only a couple hundred followers. The other few who reported it simply just mentioned this. Piper hasn't retweeted it or said anything about it and 247 as a whole also has nothing on it. None of the normal national media sources have said anything about it. Clearly either they don't trust that Evansville Source and/or he simply has not committed yet.

All signs point to it happening soon however, but to me I simply don't think he's committed yet which is okay.
He followed Kylan and Tyler Underwood on Instagram yesterday, which is a great sign.
Big Ben, Davis, White, Booth…all north of 6’6” and threats from 3…White & Booth may not be aces from deep, but they’re certainly not guys you can just leave open. Boswell ain’t too shabby of a shooter, either. Morez & Ty…two more DUDES with size & athleticism. This group is rounding out nicely. Anyone panicking is nuts.
Not panicking, but definitely hesitant until we get a proven D1 scorer on the wing.
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Although it’s a cliche, the fact that recruiting is fluid is true. There are lots of factors at play and things do change with 18-23 yr old kids and their families. Seems like some people on here get frustrated if a timeline an insider mentions doesn’t happen exactly like they say. I would recommend considering the alternative. That would be a thread full of speculation, talk about old players, regurgitation from twitter or other threads, and a lot of food discussion.
Robinson was a nice player at BYU, felt he was one of few athletic prescence on that team. If they would have beaten Duquesnce I wasn't overly concerend about them.
I mean, pretty unlikely he attended a nonsecular school with a team led by the Pope and does not follow him.
I agree Kentucky is likely but what does the nonsecular have to do with it. If there was a campus atmosphere that drew him to BYU seems like Kentucky would be low on the list to replicate that.

Sorry. Now seeing there's a joke hidden there. I think.
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