Recent content by BangoBongoAndyKauffmann

  1. B

    Coaching Carousel

    I didn’t say anything about playing golf all day. I like golf as much as the next guy. Hats off to millionaires. Yes, he’s probably been pestered by innumerable calls on the golf course. However, one of the coaching staff’s main jobs is to’s his job. The university pays him...
  2. B

    Coaching Carousel

    When I first heard that...All I could think of was: Aww...POOR You. I sincerely like Underwood. The man‘s definitely paid his dues. I get the “It’s screwin’ with my golf game...“comment was supposed to be funny ha-ha. But, there‘s just something about a millionaire bitching about his golf...
  3. B

    Coaching Carousel

    I concur....Underwood handles the media masterfully, is a competent solid coach(except for getting hilariously outcoached by a dude that was fired from ISU that one time)...AND is a very good salesman who tends to use hyperbole quite a lot. (He’s had at least two dream jobs that we know of.) I...
  4. B

    Coaching Carousel

    1.) I’m for whatever Ducks Fuke the it Scheyer or some other Dougherty 2.O. They won’t be down for long anyway...even if they get a dud. 2.) But ultimately I don’t even like to think about the Dookie Pukes too Duck Fuke. 3.)Too bad about sarcasm...that sucks...
  5. B

    Coaching Carousel

    I hear the Miller boys are looking for work...if we strike it while the iron is hot we might be able to get 2 for the price of one. * Bruce Pearl ONLY if he has special job requirements. Participate in a public dunking booth daily? I dunno...just thinking off the cuff here. Also, those Ubben...
  6. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Easy there Chief. I never intended to ruffle the feathers on anybody’s headdress. I’m guilty of making a comment about a recruit in a recruiting was poorly worded and not well thought out.( I’m not the first and I won’t be the last.) I’ve acknowledged this fact ad nauseam. I’m...
  7. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    True. (and thank you) Bruce Douglas for example, is from Quincy(around 40k) If you live in Chicago that’s SUPER small. To me its a medium sized town... Still, I should have framed it much better than I did.
  8. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Sorry Brian Cook. Geez, I hope these are all hypothetical ACE whoopuns from all these folks that would: “like a word with me.”
  9. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Touché That’s what I get for a making poorly thought out comment like that I guess. ;)
  10. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    I give up...really turned into quite a learning opportunity for me didn’t it?
  11. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Yeah that one meets both criteria: definitely downstate, definitely small... How cool of a name is Otho Tucker? I wish that was my name.
  12. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Damn. This one is gonna haunt me for a while isn’t it?
  13. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Foiled Again. No disputing down state on that one.
  14. B

    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 24th, 2021)

    Meyers? Okay if I have to. Good Call.