Recent content by IlliniBuff

  1. I

    Coaching Carousel

    Folks have been indicated that Bielema's downfall at Arkansas was largely due to his judgment regarding assistants (great first hires, downgrades upon replacement) (also his drinking)....but Ward (yes!), Bullen looks to be a solid addition, and Fenelus to Gibbs rectifies an apparent error...
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    Coaching Carousel

    Joe Price, UTSA, would be a logical - though not splashy - choice. He already knows the system and the state and this would be a clear move up. Since Gibbs was given Associate Head Coach title, I wonder if this was already in the works? Maybe frees some $$$ for a splashier linebacker coach? PS...
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    Coaching Carousel

    Well if we want to be historical about it, from 1920 to 1929, Illinois football went 55-19-3 for a 71% winning average. Sad to think that we once were a powerhouse... Seriously though, appreciate your analysis.
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    Terrence Shannon Jr. suspended

    For all the speculation, there are a few absolutes: Consent can be withdrawn at any time up to conclusion of the act (except in North Carolina). Consent must be affirmative (do you want to xxx? "yes, I want to xxx") Consent must be part of a continuous communication. "now do you want to take...
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    Terrence Shannon Jr. suspended

    Longtime lurker, alum (2x), and college administrator. I am very touched by both this post and the response. The delusion of college athletics as a bastion of possibility, of good versus evil, and of growth, is absolutely shattered when a young men (let's face it, the abusers are men) with...
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    Illini Coaching Staff

    Could this be why? Previously at Illinois, these duties have been left to an assistant. But a burgeoning budget from athletic director Josh Whitman allowed Smith to expand the Illinois staff and recruiting department. ...maybe McGarigle's replacement will demand a much bigger salary?
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    Bill Cubit Fired

    Press Conference Today? Guys, I'm a little confused. Is there a presser today at 3pm CST? Are we expecting an explanation of what we already know or surprise? Thanks
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    The Illinois AD Search

    This is a brilliant first post. The more insular the network -- from contributions, to influence, to candidate consideration -- the great the opportunity for a misfire. Let us hope the next AD broadens the net!
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    The Illinois AD Search

    I concur with this. College administrators get emails everyday from firms asking them to nominate someone they think would be good for this and that C-suite position. They always encourage self-nomination...and they always go to the official email. My guess is that the committee is running the...
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    Bill Cubit gets 2-year deal as Illinois Head Football Coach

    Those of you threatening to never see a game again might as well keep your promise. Having been a fan through Moeller/White/Mackovic/Tepper/Turner/Zook/Beckman... this is far from the darkest days of Illinois football...and, as a college administrator, this is likely the soundest business...