Recent content by Orangeandblue72

  1. O

    NCAA Final 4 Tickets

    I work with a lot of Purdue alumni. This year at the final 4 to fill the UConn sections they gave away free tickets to students if they wore a whit shirt and filled the UConn sections.
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    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    Zero , why would they? At worse they wait another year for what is a average prospect? if they are a true talent they arent staying in college they are a lottery pick.
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    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    He will develop a 3 pt shot when he’s about 25 at ymca Or another school. He’s At best a good defender and energy guy. Nothing you can build a ream around. Everyone else will have to score. We play 4 on 5 when he’s out there with a big man protecting the rim.
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    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    So we need to replace Coleman? Looked through a good number of pages haven’t seen it mentioned here.
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    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    I agree. This is totally different. I have played as many minutes of basketball with everyone on this board as our core has played together for next year. ZERO. Total unknowns is what we have. Certainly no team culture or continuity coming back.
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    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    My guess is once we find top end talent here,they transfer out and get paid bigger bucks. We can’t afford to run with a lot of the top schools. We will continue to be below average most of the time. It sucks.
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    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    That could just as well be 10 years from now. But nice to dream i suppose
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    Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

    Doesn’t seem slow when you see all the players committing every day and only a few declaring