Coaching Carousel (Football)

it was real for quite a while (and still is) , and in the spectrum of things , we are still way closer to the side where the academics really in charge do not respect what successful athletics can do for a school , vs the schools that dully embrace it

it all started after the slush fund scandal. schools like Michigan & Ohio St and Wisc never had to deal with this
Anyone under age 60 doesn’t remember the slush fund. All principal actors in the scandal are dead or decades retired. Other schools have recovered from their scandals (some worse) and have done well.

Why do the trustees still hang the slush fund over athletics?
I did not elaborate earlier, but what came to my mind when I first replied was the social engineering / DEI agenda the administration had when we needed new coaches. (This was a hire or two before Lovie.)

The only criteria in hiring a coach should be their perceived ability to win games and advance the program, within legal grounds.

I am sure there are those here who feel differently, and that such hires are a great opportunity to right past wrongs in the DEI arena. That is a worthy debate. I am just addressing here the fact that we have had administrations and Boards with a strong political bent and the welfare of the athletic department was not top of mind.
Was disappointed to read this. Could you elaborate?
I think the Board of Trustees is very supportive of
My partner who is a former chair of the board of trustees disagrees.
What has the Board of Trustees done detrimental to U of I athletics? Didn't they just approve a multi-million rehab/paint job for Memorial Stadium that is to be paid out of the University budget? I know some of the professors want their moment in the sun, but when was the last time the Board didn't approve something the AD wanted?

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage

UCLA football: DeShaun Foster, Tony White lead way in latest head coaching intel after P.J. Fleck backs out​



Paducah, Ky
Fleck actually rowed his boat backwards.......................he really really did..............



Chicago, IL
I did not elaborate earlier, but what came to my mind when I first replied was the social engineering / DEI agenda the administration had when we needed new coaches. (This was a hire or two before Lovie.)
Yeah that decade when the left-wing extremists in Illinois politics forced us at gunpoint to have Kirby Wilson and Reggie Theus as our revenue sport coaches sure was terrible, thank goodness there were noble thought leaders on message boards warning us about it at every turn.

I like DeShaun but I don’t think he’s anywhere near ready to be a Head Coach of a Power 2 program. This is the move of an in-over-his-head AD.
Speaking of Kirby Wilson. Good lord that's a cry for help hire.
Yeah that decade when the left-wing extremists in Illinois politics forced us at gunpoint to have Kirby Wilson and Reggie Theus as our revenue sport coaches sure was terrible, thank goodness there were noble thought leaders on message boards warning us about it at every turn.

Speaking of Kirby Wilson. Good lord that's a cry for help hire.
UCLA alumni have always liked Foster; the millions dollars question is whether they like him enough to write big checks for NIL. He should be a pretty good recruiter. He’ll need TOP game managers in both coordinator positions, but I don’t think the AD has the money for that.
Despite lack of experience I hope deshaun foster does well. Head coaches now need to be more like psychiatrists than X’s and O’s guys (deal with parents, baby mamas, keep players focused through that, nil, etc…) and i think he’ll be able to do well in that regard. I also think he’ll do ok if he makes good assistant hires (isn’t that always the case?).

He is something of a legend in Southern California, ever since his HS championship game vs Carson Palmer where he rushed for something like 400 yards, but Palmer threw for about as many and deshaun’s team lost. So I hope he does well. I dont think anyone has any idea how it will work out, this is truly a ‘we’ll have to wait and see’ hire.
Chip Kelly has interviewed for a ton of jobs and had both feet out for awhile. It just came down to perfect timing and landing the Ohio State OC fell right into his lap. UCLA was going to ax Kelly after next season barring a miracle season. Props to Kelly 🤝

Longshot option might be DeShaun Foster if they want a familiar face in the program, save some recruits from leaving and save money on contract. If smart, they would at least reach out to Chadwell.
Not a real shocking hire. Foster has been around the program awhile and knows the roster. The most direct hire you could make without turning everything upside down.
One of the most concrete examples of the UCLA admin’s weak support for athletics: the football team only has 80 yard long practice fields (go to Pauley Pavilion on Google Maps and look directly South). There was a chance to rectify this a few years ago when a block was cleared next door for a new on-campus hotel/conference center, but admin prioritized more hotel rooms over 20 yards of additional field for the team. 🤦🏾‍♂️
One of the most concrete examples of the UCLA admin’s weak support for athletics: the football team only has 80 yard long practice fields (go to Pauley Pavilion on Google Maps and look directly South). There was a chance to rectify this a few years ago when a block was cleared next door for a new on-campus hotel/conference center, but admin prioritized more hotel rooms over 20 yards of additional field for the team. 🤦🏾‍♂️
Counter point: is a full sized field really necessary for a practice field?


Chicago, IL
Counter point: is a full sized field really necessary for a practice field?
Honestly I would imagine that two side-by-side 80 yard fields as UCLA has is a more functional space than one full 100 yard field with a little extra room to the side as Illinois has.

That's not to say the Smith Center project wasn't the best available solution - it was - but it's just hard when you're dealing with scare space and multi-functional needs on a crowded college campus. Now change Central Illinois cornfields for some of the priciest real estate on planet earth and you get a sense of what UCLA is dealing with.

Despite lack of experience I hope deshaun foster does well. Head coaches now need to be more like psychiatrists than X’s and O’s guys (deal with parents, baby mamas, keep players focused through that, nil, etc…) and i think he’ll be able to do well in that regard. I also think he’ll do ok if he makes good assistant hires (isn’t that always the case?).
"CEO coach" used to be used as an insult, but that's just the nature of the job now.

But even a great CEO can't save a failing business, and something is going catastrophically wrong there when your head coach is tossing away millions of dollars to leave for an in-conference assistant job and the best you can do to replace him is elevate his badly inexperienced RB's coach. Look out below.
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Yeah that decade when the left-wing extremists in Illinois politics forced us at gunpoint to have Kirby Wilson and Reggie Theus as our revenue sport coaches sure was terrible, thank goodness there were noble thought leaders on message boards warning us about it at every turn.

Snark all you want; when you want to provide evidence to back up your unfounded claims let me know.

This is about an administration that for many years not only did not support athletics, but also actively contributed to a public image of Illinois as a lousy place to coach a football team. That (as well as years of losing records, of course) is why we could not attract first-class coaches, regardless of the color of their skin.

Later we piled the player abuse scandal on top of this and really set ourselves back.

Article from the News-Gazette when Lovie was hired:


Article from SBNation when Beckman was hired:



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