Michigan State shooting


This does not sound good.

5 confirmed wounded with some reports out there of 1 person having died. Michigan State has cancelled all events including athletics for the next two days:

Based on how each team's remaining schedule looks, I don't know how the game gets rescheduled.
My kids were on campus at NIU when they had their shooting. My daughter normally cut through the building where the shooting occurred. She stopped to buy a new highlighter. That delayed her being in the building. She could hear the report of the gun as she stood outside. She turned and ran. When she got the the nearest building, it was already on lock down. She turned to run somewhere, anywhere else. When she did, she saw one of the students that had been in the lecture room. He had blood splatters on his face and was naturally terrified.
The only good thing I can say about that day was a bunch of kids from Va Tech came to campus to talk with the NIU students. Shared experiences helped both groups. They were there for about a week. My daughter transferred.
My son was in a nearby classroom when they locked it down. One of the students was from Croatia or one of the former Yugoslavian states. She had grown up with war and shootings happening on a daily basis. She was about to panic. They were all sitting on the floor. My son moved over and got in her face and told her to look at him. He talked softly, calmly and evenly. She calmed down. That was about the time he decided to change from accounting to being a social worker/counselor. He transferred as well after he returned from Afghanistan.
Needless to say, I hate campus shootings more than the average person.