Random sports/civil rights history: The Johnny Bright incident

With the Atlantic 10 basketball finals on today and Loyola set to move there, I was curious who was in the A-10 and who was in the Missouri Valley when I ran across a footnote that Drake and Bradley had briefly left the Missouri Valley Conference in order to protest the conference's inaction over the "Johnny Bright incident," something I never heard of. [Wow, I wrote that as one sentence!]

Anyway, I found this to be a brief, fascinating read about an incident that affected the MVC, the NCAA and the civil rights movement. If you never heard of it, take a few minutes to educate yourself. I don't think you'll regret it.

With the Atlantic 10 basketball finals on today and Loyola set to move there, I was curious who was in the A-10 and who was in the Missouri Valley when I ran across a footnote that Drake and Bradley had briefly left the Missouri Valley Conference in order to protest the conference's inaction over the "Johnny Bright incident," something I never heard of. [Wow, I wrote that as one sentence!]

Anyway, I found this to be a brief, fascinating read about an incident that affected the MVC, the NCAA and the civil rights movement. If you never heard of it, take a few minutes to educate yourself. I don't think you'll regret it.

Also, unaware of this incident. Thanks for sharing.


Arlington, Virginia
Completely unaware of this. Thanks for posting. A lot of ugliness over many, many years.


Redondo Beach, Ca
Horrific. I know many things worse than that happened too. I’ve been to the Civil Rights Museum in Birmingham (Which I recommend if you're ever in the area.). It’s just hard to wrap my head around that kind of hatred for another human being.

I wonder if grade school field trips to. The Civil Rights Museum are banned by the new ant CRT laws.