Simple Acts

Simple Acts

And then there’s Nicole Evans (again). The single mom that my wife talked to, whose boys share the same immune disorder and spend more time at Carle than you or I want to even think about, sat with us to eat her meal. Perhaps her first meal in weeks where she didn’t have to chase two rambunctious boys to keep them from putting peanut butter in each other’s hair. Why did she feel so comfortable sitting with her back to her kids? Because her oldest was playing Spike Ball with I-Mar, refusing to eat because he was so excited, and her youngest was with Nicole, his new best friend on earth. The boy wanted more lemonade, Nicole checked with mom to make sure it was OK, and just that request seemed to put the mom further at ease. For one afternoon, she had a dozen babysitters and could enjoy a meal in peace.

That’s the beauty of this event. That’s the beauty of volunteerism. Sure, it’s sometimes the stadium tour and getting to be on the field during the game that touches someone. But it’s also found in the simple acts. She’s sitting alone because her family is still in the food line? I’ll sit with her. This kid has boundless energy and wants to chase a nerf football for an hour? I’m in. You’re concerned that your boys are a little too wound up and if you turn your back they’ll act out? Here, I’ll watch your son – you enjoy your meal.