TV Shows



Korean original with English subtitles.

I'm also one of those persons who prefers subtitles on everything I watch (except stand-up comedy).
I watched it just dubbed over and no subtitles and wasn't distracted one bit. Although, I've heard it is better with subtitles. Appareny, some of the spoken words are different
I watched it just dubbed over and no subtitles and wasn't distracted one bit. Although, I've heard it is better with subtitles. Appareny, some of the spoken words are different
I've done that with some anime series and felt the same way. Not one to judge another's means of media consumption!

I'm a big fan of Korean thrillers and this show ranks up there with the best I've seen (4 episodes in).
In an interesting what could have been, Dave Bautista (Drax the Destroyer in the MCU) was up for the role of Mac's dad on It's Always Sunny and was said to have really impressed the show producers during his audition. Biggest issue Batista had was the the age difference between him and Rob McElhenney is only 9 years. The actor they had play Mac's dad is 12 years older than Batista and still had to be aged up on the show.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
I normally dont watch that many stand up acts on TV, but I do love live stand up comedy

that said, the new Chris Rock stand up show on Netflix, called 'Selective Outrage', filmed in Baltimore in the last 3-4 months, is REALLY REALLY funny and very topical.
its about an hour, and while I know that have edits, he makes it seem like it all rolls of his tounge like you and I know our phone number and birthday
he makes it seem like it all rolls of his tounge like you and I know our phone number and birthday
You and I have the same phone number and birthday?
Dana Carvey Nbc GIF


Almost thru Daisy Jones and the Six on Amazon. It has been entertaining through 6 episodes, but to me it is on the hokey side. I believe it is loosely based on Fleetwood Mac.


I am finishing up the 3rd season of Righteous Gemstones on Max. I have really enjoyed it. Completely mindless, hilarious, and dumb humor. Should you watch, be prepared for some male members in about every episode. I believe a 4th season will be added.
I had never seen the TV Shows thread, but have been doing the new posts strategy, and here it is.
Wife and I are huge Monk fans. Favorite character: he's the guy! Didn't know a movie was being made. Now we have to figure out how to watch it on Peacock on premier night December 8!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there will be an Illini hoops game around that time that you can use as an excuse to subscribe to be able to watch it. :)

Some of the set photos I've seen and interviews I've read about the movie indicate that everything was going well with Monk at the end of the series but then the pandemic led to all the improvement he made be for naught.
I'm sure there will be an Illini hoops game around that time that you can use as an excuse to subscribe to be able to watch it. :)

Some of the set photos I've seen and interviews I've read about the movie indicate that everything was going well with Monk at the end of the series but then the pandemic led to all the improvement he made be for naught.
Monk in the pandemic! Can you imagine?

I would be more likely to get Peacock for Monk and watch the Illini games because they just happened to be on.
With so much TV content saturating the market right now, I decided to start a show I've somehow never started: The Wire. I'm through season 1 and I'm upset I didn't start sooner.
Loved it.

I took similar approach and am watching Parks and Recreation for first time. Just finished season 2. Was a bit underwhelmed with season 1, but really enjoyed 2. Not sure if it got better or if I’m just more in tune with the rhythm and patter.

Looking forward to season two of Annika (British police show) starting soon. Probably not for everyone and took a bit to be OK with main character breaking the fourth wall, but I really enjoyed season one. Adds an interesting element to the show unlike in House of Cards when I thought it added nothing.


Montgomery, IL
I took similar approach and am watching Parks and Recreation for first time. Just finished season 2. Was a bit underwhelmed with season 1, but really enjoyed 2. Not sure if it got better or if I’m just more in tune with the rhythm and patter.

S1 is the worst of Parks & Rec. Glad you stuck with it. It keeps getting better.

Joel Goodson

Loved it.

I took similar approach and am watching Parks and Recreation for first time. Just finished season 2. Was a bit underwhelmed with season 1, but really enjoyed 2. Not sure if it got better or if I’m just more in tune with the rhythm and patter.

Looking forward to season two of Annika (British police show) starting soon. Probably not for everyone and took a bit to be OK with main character breaking the fourth wall, but I really enjoyed season one. Adds an interesting element to the show unlike in House of Cards when I thought it added nothing.

Annika: VVG show, and different too (which is always a plus, in my book). Nicola Walker (the lead) is a fantastic actress. Good supporting cast, good scripts. Season 2 is VG, maybe even better than S1.
Two shows with some real revelance for the current situation in the mideast: Our Boys and Valley of Tears on Max. Both Israeli productions in Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles, and perhaps not as one-sided you might think.
Two shows with some real revelance for the current situation in the mideast: Our Boys and Valley of Tears on Max. Both Israeli productions in Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles, and perhaps not as one-sided you might think.

Joel Goodson

Two shows with some real revelance for the current situation in the mideast: Our Boys and Valley of Tears on Max. Both Israeli productions in Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles, and perhaps not as one-sided you might think.

haven't seen those, but Fauda is similar (I think) and it's flippin' excellent