Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Big time player. I don't see why it would be us, but he will take a big bag off the table, the more guys like this dive in the better.

Is Holmes or Kalk still options? I mean, it sounds pretty unlikely to me that Holmes is not gonna enter the draft and Kalk will leave Creighton.
Be interesting to see where Nico ends up. If he wants a major role it would seem his best move would be an OVC, Horizon, Southland type destination.
I wonder, if he blows up at a mid-major school and after onr or two years of being really good at the mid-major, would Illinois take him back if he so desired? Of course, it would depend on "need". It just seems that if a player transfers out, he never comes back (and in many instances, that is good thing). And I think that is the unwritten rule at other schools as well. But I think it would be cool if that happened.
Only thing is that Tulane was a BAD team last year. Not sure I like the strategy of getting the best players from losing programs. I liked it better when we were getting really good players from winning programs.
This is a good point, in my view. It matters even more it seems to me if the Every Day Guy culture is to be sustained despite the loss of nearly the entire squad.

It's attitude and character, and hopefully this kid (and every one brought in) is an EDG despite coming from teams that struggled last year, like Tulane and Louisville.
Only thing is that Tulane was a BAD team last year. Not sure I like the strategy of getting the best players from losing programs. I liked it better when we were getting really good players from winning programs.
No one likes to lose. Sometimes it makes a person more willing to sacrifice for the good of the team and put in the extra work. Trent Frazier did a lot of losing his first two years here. It turned him into a team first, 100% all the time, hustling winner.
Only thing is that Tulane was a BAD team last year. Not sure I like the strategy of getting the best players from losing programs. I liked it better when we were getting really good players from winning programs.
They were better the prior two years in fairness.

Not a huge difference from Domask's record in 4 years at SIU.
So maybe I missed it but based on the guys the insiders have been posting I guess David Jones isn’t in the cards anymore?
While a player like Hawkins at the 4 would be awesome. Personally, I did not enjoy watching him get bullied and pushed around defending the post. I agree being 7ft is not required but someone 250 and 6'10" or strong and athletic like Efrem Winters was that can't get pushed around and cause opponents issues would be nice.
No one likes to lose. Sometimes it makes a person more willing to sacrifice for the good of the team and put in the extra work. Trent Frazier did a lot of losing his first two years here. It turned him into a team first, 100% all the time, hustling winner.
Excellent point.

Of course, I am always pleased when Trent Frazier receives praise. Trent, then Ayo, and then so many guys on this past season's squad have laid a granite foundation for this program.
Indy out of all the individuals you have recently posted, who do you think we have the best chance with?
staying in the draft or at memphis? don't see anything out there at the moment.
No one likes to lose. Sometimes it makes a person more willing to sacrifice for the good of the team and put in the extra work. Trent Frazier did a lot of losing his first two years here. It turned him into a team first, 100% all the time, hustling winner.
Sometimes. In the case of Trent, I'd posit that he already had the traits of a winner before ever stepping foot on campus.

It's also just as likely that someone coming from a losing program has not received adequate coaching to be a winner (e.g. Juwan), or has personality issues that contributed to a lack of chemistry, causing their team to lose more often (e.g. Matt Mayer), or that they have a "me first" mentality that enabled them to put up big numbers on a losing team so they could "get theirs" (e.g. Jayden Epps). It's up to the staff to figure out which is which.
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