


Geneseo, IL
It would be nice to see some development. They were bad last year but at least you could count on the effort most nights. I didn’t expect them to contend for a playoff spot but I thought the effort would be better. They just got blitzed by a team that lost nine in a row and they didn’t show up. Perry is a healthy scratch in an “organizational decision.” Something is going on.

Joel Goodson

What was dirty about it?

initially I thought the Lightning player made a dirty play after his check (when they were tangled, causing Hall's unnatural twisting of his knee). but after looking at it a couple more times, I think it was inadvertent.
initially I thought the Lightning player made a dirty play after his check (when they were tangled, causing Hall's unnatural twisting of his knee). but after looking at it a couple more times, I think it was inadvertent.
He pulled Hall down deliberately, but that's not unusual. Whatever they can get away with


Houston, Texas
initially I thought the Lightning player made a dirty play after his check (when they were tangled, causing Hall's unnatural twisting of his knee). but after looking at it a couple more times, I think it was inadvertent.
That’s what it looked like to me, too. Kind of a hockey play that went bad for Hall. Edit: was at that game and didn't notice anything untoward happen live, either. If it were a dirty hit, I think there would have been a reaction from his teammates.
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Montgomery, IL

Joel Goodson


the mom rumor is absolute BS. guessing hazing.

Corey Perry is a longtime NHL vet who has played for the Ducks, Habs, and Bolts before Davidson offered him a contract. There were ZERO signs of any issues with him at the time of signing.

And when issues arose, management kept him out of team activities and a few days after investigating, have terminated his contract.

I don't see any wrong doing by management. None.
If the rumors are true - good riddance

It looks like this franchise has still not rid itself of internal failings that have come to light in recent years. Some kind of bad karma got attached to this hockey franchise that they still haven't cleaned up.

Players make a boatload of money. Team owners make a bigger boatload. Cities have passionate hockey fans that love this game -- especially in Chicago. The game of hockey is being played at the highest skill level yet in history. And still... human failings of one kind or another don't seem to go away.

There's the game on the ice we get to see. And then there's always the bigger game going on around and outside the game that we rarely get to see. And we wonder what goes on there, too.

Between ongoing issues with the Blackhawks and a really bad Bulls team... these are not pleasant times on West Madison Street.
If the rumors are true - good riddance
Can't imagine they could be just because I'd be very surprised if the NHLPA allowed a team to terminate a contract over something that would theoretically be two adults being adults. Plus multiple insiders for the Hawks are saying it's 100% false. Whatever it is, we'll hopefully have a better idea after this media conference with Davidson
Can't imagine they could be just because I'd be very surprised if the NHLPA allowed a team to terminate a contract over something that would theoretically be two adults being adults.

There is certain legalese that goes something like, 'For the good of the Game'. In other words, there can be wide powers given to sports league leaders to do certain things if they feel the integrity or look of the sport is at stake... or if it makes for really bad publicity and hurts the sport in some way.

We'll see what actually is happening with the Perry situation soon. But the 'wide powers' clause is some part of just about every big contract that unions have with leagues. Since sports leagues are a business first... the ownership wants to retain such powers.


Montgomery, IL
Blackhawks waive Corey Perry for 'unacceptable' conduct

Upon being asked if the incident itself was criminal or could potentially become criminal, Davidson said: "It was a workplace matter."

Davidson said the NHL and the NHLPA were aware of what's happening before noting it was "a team incident and so it was a team decision."

Davidson said the team was first notified of the allegations last week when the Blackhawks were in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday to play the Blue Jackets. Sources told ESPN's Emily Kaplan that Perry indeed traveled with the team to Columbus last Tuesday, a day before the game, and an incident occurred that day involving a team employee. Davidson said Perry, who did not play in the team's 7-3 loss, was "immediately pulled" from the game once the Blackhawks were notified, and at that point, the club began an investigation.

Without knowing the exact allegations it's impossible to answer this but if the Beach saga never occurred would the results have been the same or are the Hawks hypersensitive to this type of scenario?
Without knowing the exact allegations it's impossible to answer this but if the Beach saga never occurred would the results have been the same or are the Hawks hypersensitive to this type of scenario?
I am sure they are hypersensitive and especially have no tolerance for a guy who was brought in to set an example for a bunch of young kids. He was wearing the “A”, you have to help the culture not hurt it.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
I guess all this "immoral" or "unethical" stuff has been going on at sports franchises forever, and its only now that mgmt is firing guys over it - two Bears coachs and Perry as examples

so if its not "illegal" activity, I suppose its guys being bad boys and coming on way too strong with other employees, without it being actual assault ?


Houston, Texas
I guess all this "immoral" or "unethical" stuff has been going on at sports franchises forever, and its only now that mgmt is firing guys over it - two Bears coachs and Perry as examples

so if its not "illegal" activity, I suppose its guys being bad boys and coming on way too strong with other employees, without it being actual assault ?

Sounds about right...
I guess all this "immoral" or "unethical" stuff has been going on at sports franchises forever, and its only now that mgmt is firing guys over it - two Bears coachs and Perry as examples

All this immoral and unethical stuff has been going on in every form of human behavior all the time. Most of which most people never hear about. Ever.

But with sports being a more public and scrutinzed activity it's going to elict some kind of quick response when something has become public... or will likely be due to others involved talking.

It immediately reflects on the sports organization and they are forced to do something quickly. And they do have to be careful with what they do with the high potential for lawsuits coming at them from some direction.

I think all this goes back to ownership. What kind of people are they? What kind of a shop are they running? What kind of people do they hire? What kind of culture do they create?

And in terms of Chicago franchises... ownership is not the best (to say the least). Chicago franchises are legacy famous for ownership that lacks. Bulls and Sox, no thanks. Blackhawks... the same family forever and not always fan friendly at all. The North Siders have been spotty at best. And Da Bears? Yikes.