Game Thread: Illinois vs UConn

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Get out of town with this. Yeah, they're being severely out played on both ends by a much better team. But they aren't "giving up." Completely disrespectful comment.
They were waking back on defense, while UConn laid it in, it is what it is...
I was prepared for a 10-15pt loss, fine, whatever, but to just give up like this is just sickening.

I get the "take it at the shot blocker" game plan, but you NEED to have some option if they're not calling fouls. We changed zero things at the half and just rolled over. E
We seem to have totally changed, and it failed bc we cant hit shots. The blowout started when we started spreading out and giving up long rebounds.
GIF by Demic
I didn't expect us to win before the game, but there is always a possibility. But, to shoot and play this poorly is shocking. 30 to zip run!!!

1 for 19 in the 2nd half... has to be a record? Huh?
Miss threes and they get run outs. This game was lost when we our drives got stopped. Fouls or not, we needed to be able to get to the basket.
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Biggest question left: When does Dan open the postgame thread?

Team got rattled early in the half, and never recovered. Still a great season, bit this stink will linger for months.

TSJ picked a terrible time to have his worst game of his Illini career, but this will never take away from his two seasons here.
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