Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Kansas Basketball Self GIF by Kansas Athletics
Self is like that friend you had when you were a kid growing up that got every single cool toy every might have gotten 1 or 2 cool toys, but that guy got ALL of them!
I promise this isn’t sour grapes, but I really don’t understand how Ballo is the top rated transfer. I think he’s really good, but to me he is a really poor man’s Kofi. The times I’ve watched him his hands have been suspect and he just seems a little clumsy and uncoordinated, and also doesn’t process things quickly and isn’t a great passer. And he clogs up driving lanes. The LaTulip film room on Boswell (if you aren’t a premium subscriber on 247, highly recommend) just reinforced that to me…Ballo just really limits the style that you can play in, much Kofi. Now Kofi was so efficient and physically dominant it was worth playing that 4 out O/ drop D style. But even if Ballo is 75% of Kofi (and I doubt that), not sure the juice is worth the squeeze.

But if you are completely opposed to spacing, 3 pointers and pretty much the entire modern basketball ecosystem, probably a great fit.
You're focused on offense, which can grow.

If he starts erasing all of our shots, keeps our guards out the the paint and controls both backboards, you'll understand....we all will.
They have way better options that Bamba. Keep an eye on guys who enter. Our assistant coach could also possibly bring someone in
Any shot at sallis if he were to withdraw from the draft and enter? Or maybe if we can bring back OA he brings David jones in?
This was so bad it got play on late night TV. Didn't Kimmel or someone show this clip?
Wasn’t really paying attention back then, we weren’t really that relevant, but did look up Cliff on Wiki. It sure looks like Kansas wasted serious pre NIL $ on him.
What's everyone's take on targeting guys that have multiple years left? Not exclusively at the cost of better players, but all other things being close to equal, I'd assume the program would prefer to bring those in with more than one year of eligibility? By and large it looks like that is what's happening, I'm just curious how much that plays into the targets.
I think it's the best approach so longer as the kids are talented, have a high ceiling and a relatively high floor. If they're more high ceiling developmental pieces, i think it does start becoming more of a chasing your tail type thing as you start pushing out other developmental underclassmen who already have experience in your system for them. But overall, I think it's a really good approach as generally it takes a season for a new transfer to acclimate to the team, coach, and playing style to have great success in year 2.
Boy, we're going to need some bigs with Amana and Dainja gone. I'm really sorry to see them both leave. They strike me as good people.
Thought Amani did well as a freshman big and I think so long as he stays healthy, he'll be a really good player as an upperclassman. Definitely has that effort and nastiness in him to be successful, along with a nice outside shot, just needs that freshman offseason strength and conditioning to chisel him. The back issues did concern me in season and still do as they are a hard thing to kick and are debilitating injuries for big men, but if his back stays healthy, he'll be a really good one. That said, his leaving makes a lot of sense all things considered, especially when we're bringing in a kid his same age to replace him at his position and with Chester gone. I wish him luck and success in the future and am sad I won't get to see him in the orange and blue again. If he does wind up with Sencire and Chester at WVU, I'll definitely be checking out some of their games in season. Liked both of them and they deserve the chance to succeed and shine. Portal era man, it's a trip.
Not sure of the right place to post this. I’ve been thinking about where the sport is and how/if this all ends. I mean what is happening is sort of the only way it can go given the (lack of) rules. Once you are on the portal merry go round you have an abnormal number of open slots each year, more that would be wise to fill with HS recruits. So you go shopping the portal. Of course you’re going to go after the best players you can find and when you have 5 slots open, you’re going to recruit nearly every position every time. When you are an elite program those are going to be as good or better than most of your younger players. So some of them leave including players not even on campus yet. What are you to do but go back to the portal? That means you’ll likely have even more open spots the next year and hit the portal even harder.. eventually you get to near 100% turnover. How do you break the cycle?!

I appreciate Chester and respect that he took a stand for the promises he made to his recruits. I just don’t see how this goes any other way unless you are willing to eat an underperforming year starting a lot of young talent.. that’s an unlikely path for elite programs. Anyone see it any other way?
Indiana getting the #1 player in the portal along with the #1 PG in the portal and we’re sitting here waiting on the 93rd ranked player Dante Maddox
Just like last year, there is someone who declared for the draft and is letting that whole process take its course. Just curious what was Domask rated? Worse than Maddox? Check back about August and save some stress?
B1G is going to be very good next year.
Seems like quite a few of the the other B10 teams have followed Purdon'ts template and picked up massive centers in the portal hoping to strike Edey type gold.....

Hope BU and staff get off the pot and pick up a DD type or better replacement before the cupboard is bare. (Glad we have a PG finally :)
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