Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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I’m not some guy who makes lots of wild claims on here. Hawkins injury is serious. Be prepared for him to be playing college basketball next year.
I think most of us would be pumped to have him back in college next year. The wildness of your claim was absolute certainty "as a fact" that he would be back in college next year. Coleman has many options that he will sort through over the next few months, college being one of them. I personally hope Coleman comes back for one more season in orange and blue, but I am nowhere expecting it at this point. The injury is actually the best chance of him returning for sure.
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I’m not some guy who makes lots of wild claims on here. Hawkins injury is serious. Be prepared for him to be playing college basketball next year.
The question is, is it serious enough that we should be prepared for him to be NOT playing college basketball for some significant portion of next year?
I sure hope some new big names enter the portal soon. No use "saving" all this NIL money if there's no one left that's worth spending it on.
The season hasn't even been over for two weeks & the portal will continue to add names until the end of the month. We just lost one to it like 48 hours ago. The game is under way, but it's not even halftime.
Bubble Butt Clap GIF by Tofu Beanz

2nd year Dr. Domask >>> Storr
I would think it is just tough for the kid to fully come to that conclusion. The really good news is that his parents seem like very supportive and realistic. That will lead to Coleman playing another year in college IMO? I hope it is with Illinois, but I would understand if he went to a place that he felt would better allow him to show NBA teams what he could do in the league.
starting tyrod taylor GIF
Count me out on any future PITA parents. Bullet dodged IMO.
When 18-22 year old "kids" are discussing deals in the 7 figure range, you're going to be out on literally every high profile kid if dealing with parents is an issue. Not sure if you have kids, but if you do, would you be ok with sitting back and watching schools throw money at them without some severe intervention? As a father, I know that I'd be involved in every conversation, would hang on every last deal and would have a lawyer involved.

I think that people sometimes confuse someone being thorough and exhausting every last option with being a PITA.

If a kid/parent is crying about playing time, that's a whole different set of circumstances.
It's definitely on the table. And tbh it should be from his point of view.
With the possibility of surgery on the table and recovery road ahead, how many schools would be lining up to offer him the NIL package he can get here?

I don't understand why Coleman would look to transfer if he is going to spend one more year in college, considering the above.
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