Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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I am absolutely not advocating for injuries to players.....but the first P5 coach to go into a season with 8 or 9 and ends up with 2...or even 3 guys injured (not a stretch)....and has to put in PWO's going to get obliterated in the media and by fans.

And since he's headlining it...I'm totally fine watching Calipari go through it!
KU went through some hell last year. I think you need at least 10 playable guys on your roster.
If we land Egor, I think we have a great team. I think this team would have everything except for one thing. And I think that 1 thing might a bit of an issue tbh - we won't have a AA type of alpha. This makes swinging and missing on Storr a bit dispiriting and doesn't seem like we're gonna add anyone else if we land Egor.

Happy we'd have a good team but felt like we left the need for that kind of a guy unanswered which is a bit of a bummer.

Still...the team would check all other boxes and would def. be top the big 10 again. Happy with that 4sure tho.
If Storr is the kind of “alpha” you're referring to, I'm stoked there's absolutely no sign of a player like that on our team. Demin's basketball skill level >>> Storr's basketball skill level.
Demin's attitude and devotion to his team >>> that of Storr.

If we land Demin, we are set up with a team with a massive amount of potential. If we're going to play the speculation game...“What will our Achilles heal be?“ my one concern might be issues when we face teams that have a lot of quickness for us to deal with defensively. But our all around offensive game and length on D would be so incredibly tough for our opponents to deal with that any quickness disadvantage would likely be negated.
Will probably know by the end of the weekend or early next week what direction things will go with Demin.

If that falls through, then the week after the NBA Draft Combine (May 12-19) becomes big.
Wait. . . I thought if Demin fell through we had one or two options for transfer portal wings that want to come here that would be a very good plan B

Now are we saying we have to wait to see who drops out of the draft? That makes me feel . . .less good
With no limit on transfers and no more sit-out period, short-rostered Top 25 teams could "call up" a player from a mid-major in the middle of a season as an injury replacement. I mean, we've already seen Brad add Dain and Perrin mid-season. Why not, as long as you've got a cooperative Admissions department?
If we land Egor, I think we have a great team. I think this team would have everything except for one thing. And I think that 1 thing might a bit of an issue tbh - we won't have a AA type of alpha. This makes swinging and missing on Storr a bit dispiriting and doesn't seem like we're gonna add anyone else if we land Egor.

Happy we'd have a good team but felt like we left the need for that kind of a guy unanswered which is a bit of a bummer.

Still...the team would check all other boxes and would def. be top the big 10 again. Happy with that 4sure tho.
I am interested to see what Storr does. He was really good last year. With that said he was nowhere close to AA status.

TSJ will be hard to replace because he took over games. MD IMO will be harder to replace. Combined they were good for 40 points minimum a night. That is what will be the hardest to replace
Bro onetime ...

This is the last yr of the covid free yr. This will cut down on multiple transfers. The weak NCAA needs to step in and set some rules like transfer immediately but must stay two yrs. Grad school transfers ... ????
If Storr is the kind of “alpha” you're referring to, I'm stoked there's absolutely no sign of a player like that on our team. Demin's basketball skill level >>> Storr's basketball skill level.
Demin's attitude and devotion to his team >>> that of Storr.

If we land Demin, we are set up with a team with a massive amount of potential. If we're going to play the speculation game...“What will our Achilles heal be?“ my one concern might be issues when we face teams that have a lot of quickness for us to deal with defensively. But our all around offensive game and length on D would be so incredibly tough for our opponents to deal with that any quickness disadvantage would likely be negated.
I kinda have some push back to the narrative of questioning Storr's attitude. Nobody personally knows him and it's not possible to officially confirm that based off of evidence.

The only thing we know, through what's out publicly and what the insiders here has stated, is that he asked for 1 mil and his gf to be on the W team. Okay...? So...? The $ thing - I mean...literally ever players that's one of the best in the portal is asking and getting at least 1 mil. Claiming the $ thing against Storr is simply not a relevant argument.

The gf thing maybe you have a little bit of an argument, but at the end of the day...all it is is just to get her a roster spot. If she can make the W team on Kansas, she can make the W team on Illinois. Maybe having a little bit of push back with that is relevant but...I's not like that.

But, at the end of the day, if there is truly a sign to the staff that he might not fit the team and cause chemistry problems...I definitely agree with the decision to split from him though.
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Makes sense. Most teams only play 7-8 guys. What's the point of paying guys that never play and transfer at the end of the year anyway? I'd use all the rest of my scholarships on instate kids willing to play for NIL. So basically walkons with the benefit of a full scholarship.
Connecticut has had 9 players getting 20% of minutes each of the last two years. Unlimited transfers and NIL consolidating talent has resulted in a need for talent and depth to have a shot.

I get going down to 11-12, but an 8-man roster isn't even enough to field a competitive practice. The depth of this Illini team feels special, glad we have it. Will be invaluable when inevitably a couple injuries happen, to have guys who can step in and make plays.
If you lose 2 or 3 players from your rotation, you're not going to win. The 11, 12, and 13 guys on your bench certainly aren't going to save you.

Well...that's not the point I was making. I didn't specify rotation players, and I wasn't implying that the end of the bench is going to "save you".

Any coach shrugging his shoulders and saying "well we weren't going to win anyway" after a couple of injuries and no scholarship players to fill in, is still going to get slaughtered in the media and by fans.
Wait. . . I thought if Demin fell through we had one or two options for transfer portal wings that want to come here that would be a very good plan B

Now are we saying we have to wait to see who drops out of the draft? That makes me feel . . .less good
Whose on your wish list from the portal that’s not also in the draft?

If we can’t close on Demin, sign me up for the best option that doesn’t get a first round guarantee and wants the guaranteed NIL $’s plus a chance to go first round next year.

Larry Birds not walking through that portal door. The portal door is closed.

This is also the most likely scenario where we’d be in a position to slow play this hypothetical lock and wait for the Demin situation to resolve. Brony James maybe?
If you lose 2 or 3 players from your rotation, you're not going to win. The 11, 12, and 13 guys on your bench certainly aren't going to save you.
Big difference between saving you and simply buying you 5-6 minutes to give your guys rest and maybe give some fouls.

You can win with 5-6 very good players but you have to have a couple guys that can spell them. You lose that completely with a few injuries and only 9 players.

Not even mentioning you can't field a full scrimmage in practice without walk ons. It's obviously difficult to fill the end of the bench but that's where getting some freshman developmental guys and maybe some cheap in-state kids that are totally bought and can provide depth comes in(Harmon obviously got minutes but someone with his attitude that can be a 10th-11th guy would be huge).
I don't like Storr but at the present time he is a better basketball player than Demin.
Eat Grilled Cheese GIF by Dietz & Watson
And I’ll say….Illinois became the number 1 offense in college basketball when they lost their “alpha” for a month+.
Yes. Definitely and didn't we get away from the "we don't run any plays for him we just let him get his organically" to a more "lets run some plays for our best player."
Big difference between saving you and simply buying you 5-6 minutes to give your guys rest and maybe give some fouls.

You can win with 5-6 very good players but you have to have a couple guys that can spell them. You lose that completely with a few injuries and only 9 players.

Not even mentioning you can't field a full scrimmage in practice without walk ons. It's obviously difficult to fill the end of the bench but that's where getting some freshman developmental guys and maybe some cheap in-state kids that are totally bought and can provide depth comes in(Harmon obviously got minutes but someone with his attitude that can be a 10th-11th guy would be huge).
That's the part of the equation I feel Cal is forgetting with his 7-8 scholarship players. Having a lot of talent is fantastic. I'm not sure that talent molds into a team if that talent isn't regularly pushed during practices and if the rotation is essentially decided prior to the season.
If we land Egor, I think we have a great team. I think this team would have everything except for one thing. And I think that 1 thing might a bit of an issue tbh - we won't have a AA type of alpha. This makes swinging and missing on Storr a bit dispiriting and doesn't seem like we're gonna add anyone else if we land Egor.

Happy we'd have a good team but felt like we left the need for that kind of a guy unanswered which is a bit of a bummer.

Still...the team would check all other boxes and would def. be top the big 10 again. Happy with that 4sure tho.
I think we’re a damn good team right now; and yes a great team with Egor Demin.

Missing on AJ might have been a blessing in disguise. What’s in Storr?
One of two things are going to happen in Kansas this year:

1.) Self is going to: reenergize, regroup, and recalibrate. He’s gonna do the Bill Self thing. The maestro is gonna conduct a symphony. He keeps the egos in check. Winning is contagious and everybody stays happy…Kansas rolls…etc

2.) Dick+ $torr + the dude(s) that lose minutes…+ misc. beef 🟰 Screamin JaySquawks and the Real Housewives Of Lawrence. In other words, a whole lotta Diva Bullsh*t…no thanks.
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