Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Brad will figure it out. I’d like to see Ben play the two also because I think he could mimic what Marcus did and he is a better shooter. I hate saying that about Marcus, no disrespect because he’s one of my favorites but that’s how I see it.

There have been some posters thinking that Ben would not have success against Big Ten defenders, we don’t know that yet. They may be right. We shall wait and see, but I am thinking that he would have success at the Two position.
Ben is a 4.
Pretty sure Indy was talking about Jaxson Robinson yesterday night. There's only 3 guys that we even know the names of - players that transferred, after their coach transferred: DJ Wagner, Jaxson Robinson, Jaylen Wells.

DJ Wagner - it's been pretty clear that we aren't targeting him. Jaylen Wells - nobody expected him to be a lock for Stanford. Robinson's the only guy that fits that bill.

As for Baba Miller - do we really need another 4?
Indy just threw us a bone.
Don't like the idea of that. Think we need at least 2 more. We've got holes to fill and just 1 "action guy on the perimeter" can't solve all of those holes. Think we need at least 2 more impact guys.
If we need 2 more impact guys, then 2 more of are current roster players are not going to make the rotation. Who are they and why?
Play a 10 deep, keep Jakstys and Jake in the limited minutes/redshirt role, and leave 1 open. What's the issue with that?
Not an insider (clearly... :cool:), but I believe that the staff always has eyes on guys from around other schools, particularly low and mid-majors, looking for those diamonds in the rough. From what has been said about him, the staff was very impressed with his ability to shoot. Apparently, Davis has a quick release and can shoot of the bounce, while moving, as well as with feet set "catch and shoot". I believe that it was Indy who made a comment regarding Slim Jake's record of 38 straight 3's made at practice, saying that Davis could likely beat it. He is also long, so he can shoot over the top of smaller guards. I also think that they like his potential to develop, as he is still young.
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definitely lite on ball handlers outside of Boswell meaning a decent backup on current roster. Don't think we have a scoring wing on the roster. 80 minutes at the 1&2 need some other options.
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Austin, TX
I have some questions about Jake Davis. I really like his highlight videos. I like that he's only a freshman, and that he has 3 years of eligibility left. And I'm glad that he transferred to Illinois. (y) But his transfer happened so quickly! Did staff have their eyes on him for a while? Did one of our coaches have a pre-existing relationship with Davis? What exactly did BU and staff see in him, about his game, that made them like him so much? I'm just hoping that someone has some inside info on these questions about the Jake Davis transfer to Illinois. Thanks.

P.S. It's always good to get an Indiana kid on our roster. :)
The have interest cards in the front Lobby of Ubben, and he checked the "Interested in SG?" box.
So you think we are good with the roster we have? Come on man
Don't like the idea of that. Think we need at least 2 more. We've got holes to fill and just 1 "action guy on the perimeter" can't solve all of those holes. Think we need at least 2 more impact guys.
I don't think we'd be able to get 2 more impact guys - if we get one more high impact guy, we likely wouldn't be able to attract a second one dollar wise or role wise - but you can always try. My sense is we're going after one of:
Jamir Watkins
Jaylen Wells
Miles Kelly
as the high impact wing player

Then if we get a second player it will be one of the following
Baba Miller
Mongolian Mike

If we get one from each list (particularly one from the top 2) that will be a great finish to this transfer class
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