Illini Sports Blog

Diary of an unstable Illini fan: Reading glasses not included

I'm pretty sure that unstable defines most of the Illinois fan base, myself included....Hell it probably describes most sports teams and their fan bases. We are a human roller coaster ride full of corkscrews, loops, turns, and drops. Sometimes I feel like they should give me my own circus act after the things I display and yell...and I thought toddlers threw temper tantrums.

We are a "what have you done for me lately" fan base, but a pretty realistic one in that. We aren't delusional. We know when we are good and we know when we ****. We are quick to praise a player for a monstrous dunk only rip on him 2 minutes later for a quote on quote "boneheaded play." But we still keep our reality in check. We are a real fan base in general. You don't believe me? Go back and read what people predicted about this season, guaranteed the average outcome amongst those who posted was probably an NIT birth and a middle of the pack Big 10 season finish; those predictions based on this current roster were accurate if we are going off attrition and stats. Go back to last year and hear the boos directed at Chester Frazier and look at the support he's gotten this year....

Filed under: Illini Basketball
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