Beer Thread

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Drinking a Rip Tide (imperial stout) from Brew Dog tonight. Actually will have two tonight. :) If you get a chance to try any of their beers in the US, do it. They are an American style brewer in Scotland.
I think I'm in the minority here, but if anyone likes a good smokey bonfire-esque beer, try Schlenkerla. It uses a 500 year old brewing style from Germany. Perfect for fall/colder weather.
I dig rauchbiers and smoky porters. Thanks for the tip, I'll see if I can find that anywhere out here.
Yonkers Brewing Company

Here's a tasty one I had this weekend at their new brewery location on the Hudson:


Aroma: A balanced nose that strikes a balance between malt, hop and smoke. Smooth and mild notes of beechwood with a gentle note of noble hop and toasted malt. Appearance: Deep amber with a touch of brown and copper, bright clarity, persistent foam
Flavor: Smooth smokiness balanced with toasted malt and just a hint of sweetness and hop flavor.
Mouthfeel: Medium-Full body

ABV: 5.2%
IBU: 25
SRM: 13
Did anybody laugh out loud or shake their head at the Budweiser commercial during the 3rd quarter last night?

I missed that. Silly on their part but the backlash from the add won't change their sales 1/10th of a percentage point unfortunately. I generally boycott any Budweiser products. The one exception that I struggle with is Goose Island. I like many of the GI beers and occasionally find myself in places that only offer AB products and if they have a GI I choose that. What can you do? A mans got to drink! :D
Did anybody laugh out loud or shake their head at the Budweiser commercial during the 3rd quarter last night?

Didn't see it as we don't get the US adverts here in the UK. Some of what they say is correct and the blogger (or whoever wrote the article) doesn't understand somethings. While it's not "easy" to be a small brewer, busting humps and all that to make ends meet while expanding your product line, the point of the comment is that they will "make beer the hard way" comment about how much more difficult it is to make a light American lager than it is a black IPA. That style is the most difficult one to brew because there is no color to hide a hazy product nor are there a lot of hops to hide a slightly funky off flavor. Their product has to be consistently brewed every time to the exact same standards and brewing a beer that is so light in color with very little hops consistently is difficult to do.

Having said all that, since they have been brewing that beer for decades, it should be much easier for them to brew a light american lager than a craft brewer brewing the same beer. But I think their overall point stands and is a good one.

He is right about the beechwood aging thing, though. Why bring that up?
I've drinking 3 Floyds 'Permanent Funeral', 'Blot Out the Sun', and 'Alpha Klaus' lately. All amazing options if you can get your hands on them.
I've drinking 3 Floyds 'Permanent Funeral', 'Blot Out the Sun', and 'Alpha Klaus' lately. All amazing options if you can get your hands on them.

I agree on the Alpha Klaus. I haven't run across those yet but will certainly pick them up if I see them. Anything 3F is on my 'buy' list.

FYI - Bells Hopslam is available as of yesterday. get your before its all gone!

Hmmm, time to swing by Total Wine & More to see of they get any out here.
If you ever find anything from Brasserie de la Senne, don't pass it up.

They're a relatively new craft beer brewery in Brussels, and everything they have is phenomenal. My personal favorites are Taras Boulba & Stouterik.

That said, I'm not sure how widely spread they are in the U.S., though I do know they've begun importing here.

I met the guys, and they are absolutely devoted to their craft.
I've drinking 3 Floyds 'Permanent Funeral', 'Blot Out the Sun', and 'Alpha Klaus' lately. All amazing options if you can get your hands on them.

you just hit a homer! Nice selection indeed.
If you ever find anything from Brasserie de la Senne, don't pass it up.

They're a relatively new craft beer brewery in Brussels, and everything they have is phenomenal. My personal favorites are Taras Boulba & Stouterik.

That said, I'm not sure how widely spread they are in the U.S., though I do know they've begun importing here.

I met the guys, and they are absolutely devoted to their craft.

Thanks for the tip. I go through Brussels a few times a year and Amsterdam quite a bit. I'll look out for those.
Thanks for the tip. I go through Brussels a few times a year and Amsterdam quite a bit. I'll look out for those.

If you do, don't miss the bar Moeder Lambic. Insane beer selection. Try Hopruiter, its very solid.
Looks like one can get off at the Midi station and walk a bit to get there. Thanks for the tip.
Looks like one can get off at the Midi station and walk a bit to get there. Thanks for the tip.

Yup, it's about a 30 minute walk (mostly uphill) to the neighborhood of St. Gilles where the original location stands. It would be faster to take the 3 tram from Midi to Albert and walk from there though.

I lived right around there last summer, so I know it well.
Yup, it's about a 30 minute walk (mostly uphill) to the neighborhood of St. Gilles where the original location stands. It would be faster to take the 3 tram from Midi to Albert and walk from there though.

I lived right around there last summer, so I know it well.

Nice. How did you like living there? how long did you live there? I'd probably drink myself to 300 pounds if I lived anywhere in Belgium. :)
you just hit a homer! Nice selection indeed.

Thanks. My wife and I bring back a few cases whenever we drive back to Chicago (2x/year). It's a fun break to stop by the brewery and they usually have some great options.

I've got to say, Blot out the Sun is simply amazing. Very rich, but not over the top like some of their stouts. AK is always good, but this year it seemed to be even more even balanced than in past. Would recommend either.

And Permanent Funeral is just a crazy IPA (I've heard it referred to as an Imperial Zombie Dust). If IPAs didn't go bad so quickly I would definitely hold onto a couple of bottles.

Anicca is the last set of bombers we got. Much more like a hoppier Alpha King. Even balanced and a pleasure to drink.

And yes, we will be stocking up on Hopslam this week!
Thanks. My wife and I bring back a few cases whenever we drive back to Chicago (2x/year). It's a fun break to stop by the brewery and they usually have some great options.

I've got to say, Blot out the Sun is simply amazing. Very rich, but not over the top like some of their stouts. AK is always good, but this year it seemed to be even more even balanced than in past. Would recommend either.

And Permanent Funeral is just a crazy IPA (I've heard it referred to as an Imperial Zombie Dust). If IPAs didn't go bad so quickly I would definitely hold onto a couple of bottles.

Anicca is the last set of bombers we got. Much more like a hoppier Alpha King. Even balanced and a pleasure to drink.

And yes, we will be stocking up on Hopslam this week!

I had BOTS at their place a few years back and I loved it. Always love some Zombie Dust, Arctic Panzer Wolf, Gumballhead. The list goes on. I do miss their beer.
Stopped after work yesterday and to my surprise they had some Hopslam. Last year they had a real hard time getting it. At first the salesman only wanted to sell me one six pack, but I talked him into two!
Stopped after work yesterday and to my surprise they had some Hopslam. Last year they had a real hard time getting it. At first the salesman only wanted to sell me one six pack, but I talked him into two!

Dare I ask where you found it?
I am also a big fan of Zombie Dust. My wife and I took a trip out east last fall and stopped by the 3 Floyds brewery, but unfortunately they had no Zombie Dust that day. Picked up Alpha King (I liked it) and Robert the Bruce (a Scottish Ale that was just OK).
Stopped after work yesterday and to my surprise they had some Hopslam. Last year they had a real hard time getting it. At first the salesman only wanted to sell me one six pack, but I talked him into two!

Oh yes. My wife and I picked up a case today as well. There's typically a six pack limit so we make sure to go in separately;)

Given how strong it is a case is an awful lot to drink, so we typically give a good amount away as gifts, or trade it off for beers that keep a bit longer.

Getting ready to crack my first one, and oh so excited!,
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