Illinois 82, Valparaiso 57 POSTGAME




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Just fun, really. Couldn't take it too seriously, but had a good time watching the team pull together. Not their best game of the year, but a darned good bounce back.
Hill on the radio with Barnhart (some minor paraphrasing):

"We're just trying to have fun with it."
On Walker - "He's meant a lot. Been doing a great job handling the situation." Sounds like the fun directive may have been initiated by Walker.
"We didn't want to go out on a bad note... wanted to make sure we go out swinging."

Sounds very different than he did during the pregame interview. And so he should!
An important note that somebody made right at the end of the game thread:

The more wins we get here, the more attractive our roster looks to potential coaches.
After watching our players, these seemed like different people than we had seen this season. I wonder how well they might have played with a loose mindset. It seems that they were pushing all year. Until today.

This looked a lot like the team we had for that four game stretch before they went to Rutgers and everything fell apart.
What did you guys think of the team foul reset experiment?
I mistakenly assumed that it would be another timeout, so I was against it.
In fact, it seemed to mean fewer FT's, so now I'm a fan.
What did you guys think of the team foul reset experiment?
I mistakenly assumed that it would be another timeout, so I was against it.
In fact, it seemed to mean fewer FT's, so now I'm a fan.

I love it. I'm tired of seeing teams in the double bonus 10 minutes in. Besides the last decade of Illinois basketball it's the other thing that's really ruined the game for me. Frankly you see a lot of games where a team is shooting free throws 7-8 minutes in.. It's crazy and the other team can play defense anymore. Lack of defensive intensity results in a lack of offensive intensity. GG.
We handled a scrappy valpo team pretty well. Defense looked great and played dominate and unrattled. That was a fun one
Jamall Walker with Barnhart:

"Big s/o to the staff and support staff."
"The key focus was to play hard."
"I want these guys to have a ton of fun... I want to create a lasting memory of them having fun together."
"Every time Leron's mom is in the building I know he's going to play well." -LOL
"Thorne has been getting extra workouts in. You don't see this stuff, and that shows his character." -this is true
"An aggressive Malcolm Hill is a good Malcolm Hill. It's really out of character for him, but it's good when he does it."
"These kids have been through a lot... have showed a lot of character."
"We're one big, happy family."
On Finke: "He's a day-to-day deal. There's no need to push him, and we need to be cautious."

Nothing about showing good energy. :)
Two observations:

1. I must finally admit it. After 4 months of touting TJL for playing time over Tate, I have to acknowledge that TJL is not an A+ ballhandler. I've known it all year but I've been afraid to admit it. For a 4-star PG, his handles are perhaps a 7 out of 10.

2. 4,700 people at SFC. Are you kidding me? What has our University become? 45,000 students on campus + season ticket holders + others in the surrounding area. Really??? 4700!?!?!? Is it spring break in C-U?
I have to say, the crowd looked better on TV. And it sounded like a reasonable crowd for the Farm, so ESPN did a good job covering up our garbage attendance.
Two observations:

1. I must finally admit it. After 4 months of touting TJL for playing time over Tate, I have to acknowledge that TJL is not an A+ ballhandler. I've known it all year but I've been afraid to admit it. For a 4-star PG, his handles are perhaps a 7 out of 10.

2. 4,700 people at SFC. Are you kidding me? What has our University become? 45,000 students on campus + season ticket holders + others in the surrounding area. Really??? 4700!?!?!? Is it spring break in C-U?

Yes, I believe it is spring break. That is why there is unoffical. No one on campus for the real deal.