Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (August 2018)

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Actually, the kid has worked hard and deserves to play for his dream school. Wish him nothing but the best. Hoped the draw of playing with Ayo and a much improved squad would have been enough. Onward and upward.
Whitney blew up too quickly. Writing was on the wall he was going to take what he could get. Let’s get Shannon soon. Offer OV’s to Cockburn, Guerrier, Tshiebwe, and save one for an emergency (Liddell if we make his final four).
We have more than 4 OVs available man lol
Well the 6 Pack and bromley are probably the two nicest dorms to live in on campus and I am pretty sure they give athletes the nicest possible housing. If they threw our basketball players in ISR, PAR, or FAR, I would 100% understand why we suck at recruiting.

I'm old and don't get back to campus like I should but ain't the 6 pack toast?
I don't think we should just blindly accept that blue bloods are the best option for everybody. Illinois is a great opportunity. The problem is when folks on here blindly accept the opposite, with a "why would anyone want to go to Kentucky?" attitude.

I actually think Michigan and Villanova should be the pick for wings like Whitney. Learn an NBA style offense from top coaches.
IF he wanted to go to College in 18, or had an offer from a school he wanted to be at that badly in 18 he would. He feels he should have offers from bigger/better schools. So he is choosing to showcase his year in prep school and get the offers he feels he deserves. If he doesn't get them, the DePauls of the world will all be available to him a year from now.
As would Illinois. We'd take him any year he wanted to come.
C'mon, you were expecting a different result?
While it was fun to hope, our only true shot came if he held off committing and took an OV to us. If he was planning on going to UK anyway he did us a favor in not prolonging this. Also, I have a feeling when the top 4 came out he wanted to take more visits but Cal probably turned up the heat to prevent it. O well, this is what happens when you are a bad team for as long as we have been. Time to put the press on our next targets.
I'm old and don't get back to campus like I should but ain't the 6 pack toast?
Yes, and Newman is actually about 100x nicer than either the old 6 pack or Bromley. That being said, new housing is a lot nicer from the little I have seen.
We keep saying that the draw to UK is the one and done Nba track record of success. Maybe it's implied, but playing at a premier blue blood and legit shot at a Championship every year has it's perks too.

Don't fool yourself, it is about life changing lottery type money. Pomp and circumstance are a plus, but ultimately it is about providing for yourself and family in the near future.
I'm old and don't get back to campus like I should but ain't the 6 pack toast?
I lived in 254 Snyder Hall in 1972/73. I ran the Illinois Half Marathon in April of this year and Snyder Hall was still being used. I asked a student if he could let me in to see my old dorm room. When I told him I lived there in 1972/73 his response was that he didn't his dorm was that old.
Kentucky is the stud guy coming in and getting the hot girl that you've been working on forever. We're the dude that's stuck in the "friend zone".
At least I'm glad Whitney didn't wait and do the whole pomp and circumstance spectacle out of committing to them. Thanks, Kahlil. So who are our next targets?
Unfortunately that makes 3 for 3 from my UK buddy. He called it about 2 weeks ago. He's not even gloating about the recruiting win as it's business as usual for UK.

Well I'll spin it as a positive as it wasn't a cluster and it's early so we can devote more time and OVs to others.

I sure hope we get Shannon soon. Or the Canadian kid.

Cockburn would be nice but it'll be a minute before he commits I would guess
The fact that we don’t have meltdowns anymore when this happens is kind of depressing. I expected a 30 page thread by the time I logged in.

I think it means we’ve reached acceptance in our 12 step program

For me personally, KW blew up so much this summer that he is a very likely one and done (in his mind for sure). So that makes UK a logical choice for him. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your mindset), UI Hoops is not in a position to groom a one and done player, or to successfully integrate that type of player into our system. KW's greatest impact to the program might have been the players that might have committed because he did. So now, we can hope for Shannon and Timme and one more. And hope BU and this years team blow up all expectations so we can get back on the highest level once again.
The fact that we don’t have meltdowns anymore when this happens is kind of depressing. I expected a 30 page thread by the time I logged in.

I think it means we’ve reached acceptance in our 12 step program

Na, there is just no need to meltdown over this. He didn't even make it to campus. And he isn't at a position of absolute need. Completely different scenarios than Cliff, Snider, Evans, Brunson, etc.
We won’t get these type of guys until WE WIN.
With the one and done rules changing soon, we can expect more of this. Blue bloods will come calling on recruits last minute if their top guys go pro. It doesn't really affect them as much as it will us.
The fact that we don’t have meltdowns anymore when this happens is kind of depressing. I expected a 30 page thread by the time I logged in.

I think it means we’ve reached acceptance in our 12 step program
You can't have disappointment without expectation and to be honest I don't think anyone was really expecting anything other than KY.
The fact that we don’t have meltdowns anymore when this happens is kind of depressing. I expected a 30 page thread by the time I logged in.

I think it means we’ve reached acceptance in our 12 step program

I disagree that we've simply accepted a sad fate.

I choose to believe that we fans see the big picture and see ourselves engaged with a lot of solid players who also generate interest from programs that are currently more attractive than we are. As such, we'll only come in first a small minority of the the time... until we earn it on the court. We'll get our Plan A's once in a while, but the near term priority is to win our fair share of plan B (and yes, C) players for the next couple of years..

I see this as good news but will generate more nut punches than we'd like. This will take a lot of work by the staff and require some time before that work consistently bears fruit.

At some point, the program has to be trending up in order to consistently win the top talent. I expect JW to give BU a long leash to get the ball rolling and not pull the plug until it's clear that the necessary uptick is nowhere in sight.
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