Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2018)

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Geez, how the recruiting game, and the whole off court game of "amateur" basketball has changed in the past 10 years.
We don't seem to really stand a chance anymore.
If we don't sign anyone in November I think it hurts us as much in perception as the players we didn't get. Certainly makes it look like Illinois can't close the deal on the better recruits as perception and to a degree reality is that the poorer players are what is left in the spring
If we don't sign anyone in November I think it hurts us as much in perception as the players we didn't get. Certainly makes it look like Illinois can't close the deal on the better recruits as perception and to a degree reality is that the poorer players are what is left in the spring

Just an observation: I do not think we were close to anyone to close the deal. Perhaps Kahlil Whitney? Then events took over.
Reality is Illni basketball hasn't been relevant for 10 plus years. Illinois isnt a basketball destination for basketball players in Illinois like 80's 90's 2000-05. Think coaching staff did good job bringing in a really good class this year giving the state of the program after last years nightmare season. For the first time in years looking forward to watch this years team. We been striking out on recruits forever nothing new not going to happen in one year where top 50 recruits want to come to Champaign ,IL . Give coaching staff at least three years to turn Illni back to top 25 program again. In Brad We Trust Make Illni Great Again.
It’s not that we haven’t been relevent. It’s that our coach yells like a 7 year old finding Easter eggs. Who cares if you win or lose. It’s that your history follows you. Whitman the savior?! Honestly?!?!

Ah yes, we haven't been relevant through the previous staff and a half, but apparently that is the current coach's fault. Excellent logic, there.

So the dailyillini article states that Jones and Kipper got into it at practice (punches thrown) and Samba and Giorgi "getting into it" as well. In front of Timme and his parents. Maybe Timme likes that sort of fire but I don't know how that would look in front of parents.
So the dailyillini article states that Jones and Kipper got into it at practice (punches thrown) and Samba and Giorgi "getting into it" as well. In front of Timme and his parents. Maybe Timme likes that sort of fire but I don't know how that would look in front of parents.

We're still working on some team chemistry and culture issues. We'll worry about recruiting in years 5 & 6.
OSU now with the 10th ranked class, they must be doing a great job selling the FBI already punished Evans and will follow BU. No need to worry about possible school sanctions. Sarcasm, but certainly makes using that as an excuse a moot point.
So the dailyillini article states that Jones and Kipper got into it at practice (punches thrown) and Samba and Giorgi "getting into it" as well. In front of Timme and his parents. Maybe Timme likes that sort of fire but I don't know how that would look in front of parents.
Probably didn't stand out as anything out of the ordinary to them.
Maybe Timme likes that sort of fire but I don't know how that would look in front of parents.

If his parents don't know this happens everyday at all levels of basketball then they haven't been involved in their son's career.
So the dailyillini article states that Jones and Kipper got into it at practice (punches thrown) and Samba and Giorgi "getting into it" as well. In front of Timme and his parents. Maybe Timme likes that sort of fire but I don't know how that would look in front of parents.

Hard for me to believe that so many are poo-poo'ing punches thrown at an open practice with a pivotal recruit and family in attendance. Does it happen? Absolutely. Punches thrown? Very rarely. In a public practice? Basically never. Disappointing at the very minimum.
Hard for me to believe that so many are poo-poo'ing punches thrown at an open practice with a pivotal recruit and family in attendance. Does it happen? Absolutely. Punches thrown? Very rarely. In a public practice? Basically never. Disappointing at the very minimum.
Pretty misleading by saying that punches were thrown. It was a swing that didn't connect. This happens more often then you'd think in high school and college..
Watching Jawun Evans tear it up at Oklahoma St ironically for BU while we had 0.5 PG’s was the epitome of all this.

Watching Jalen Brunson win 2 NC at Villanova was far more painful. Brunson had a better college career and will IMO be a better pro as well.
Geez, how the recruiting game, and the whole off court game of "amateur" basketball has changed in the past 10 years.
We don't seem to really stand a chance anymore.

I don't even see how this is possible though? We have a Huggins/Martin protege as HC, a guy who used to be in the thick of things with Calipari and another guy who coached Mac Irvin Fire. By all indicators, this should be a staff that knows how to push boundaries, gray areas to get recruits and work 'the game' as well as anyone.
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lol. In retrospect, this is some serious trolling. Well done.

🤣. Come on folks. This ole man loves the Illini. I was being about as serious as a Kentucky player in class.

In other news, I sure do hope we get some folks to commit. Seems like this staff does do well at pulling some last minute additions , but that isn’t a long term solution.
I don't even see how this is possible though? We have a Huggins/Martin protege as HC, a guy who used to be in the thick of things with Calipari and another guy who coached Mac Irvin Fire. By all indicators, this should be a staff that knows how to push boundaries, gray areas to get recruits and work 'the game' as well as anyone.
Are we really debating whether the staff knows how to get dirty? I think it's obvious they do, for the exact reasons you've pointed out.

Whether they do, or the extent they do, is up for debate. Given our recruiting, pray we are one of the cleaner programs....
I don't even see how this is possible though? We have a Huggins/Martin protege as HC, a guy who used to be in the thick of things with Calipari and another guy who coached Mac Irvin Fire. By all indicators, this should be a staff that knows how to push boundaries, gray areas to get recruits and work 'the game' as well as anyone.

Brad Underwood does not (and did not) have a reputation as a recruiter. Even Joe Henricksen talked about that when he was hired. Yet, he made some very good choices IMO with the hiring of Chin and Orlando Antigua. The fact that we have not been doing better in recruiting despite two assistants with strong recruiting reputations (especially Antigua) and strong AAU ties, is a serious concern.
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