NFL Thread 2019-2020

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The Rams wanted no part of winning this game and the Bears squandered every gift. They truly suck.

Nagy? COY my foot. Dude is out there calling trick plays that might work in the AFL or XFL. This guy is a fraud. Plain and simple.

Vic Fangio was the real COY last year.
Add to the long list of Pace failures his inability to sign a decent place kicker in five years. Agree with several others here that the Rams did everything they could to keep the Bears in the game. Nine out of ten games this season the Bears have failed to gain 300 yards on offense, an almost impossible feat in today's NFL. Nagy's offense looks like it is designed to limit yardage instead of score points. Defense is still doing its job, although not as dominant as last season. I do believe that Mitch was hurt and that's why Daniels came in at the end. If it was a benching, it was one of the most nonsensical benchings I've seen, down ten with two and a half minutes left with no chance to win the game. No matter what you think of MT's play, there is no reason not to play him the rest of the way. If Chase Daniel is the answer, I don't know what the question is. I'd rather see Tyler Bray out there.
They said they pulled Trubisky because he aggravated a hip injury. If true, they have run out of any reasons not to sign Kaepernick.

Bring him in now. Give him a couple weeks to learn the offense. Give him a four week trial. If he’s the guy, great! One less thing to worry about next year. If not, no skin off your back. Move on.
I don't follow the Bears closely but it seems that Tribisky is somewhat of a Cutler 2.0. I am trying to understand why the Bears organization not only took him ahead of Mahomes and Watson but they traded up giving up significant draft capital to do so. (I understand hindsight is a factor.) Obviously they had him rated higher on their draft board but it doesn't make sense to me. He didn't seem to have a substantially greater college performance. His combine workout was pretty good but once again he didn't dominate the other QBs. What I find most interesting is as a redshirt Soph he couldn't beat out Marquise Williams as the starting QB at UNC. And Williams wasn't good enough to make it in the NFL. Also Tribisky was only 3rd team All- ACC behind Lamar Jackson and Watson.
I don't follow the Bears closely but it seems that Tribisky is somewhat of a Cutler 2.0.

Cutler was never much better than mediocre, but was a far, far more talented quarterback than Trubisky is. With this defense, if the Bears had a QB of similar capability as Cutler had from 2010-2015 they'd be sitting 7-3 and in the thick of the playoff hunt at minimum.

The Bears are scoring 16.9 points a game. It doesn't matter how good your defense is, you can't win games scoring less than 17 points a game. The only team in the NFC scoring less than the Bears are now is Washington, and their franchise quarterback had a catastrophic knee injury a year ago and the team drafted a high profile prospect this year to try to replace him.

Pace quite clearly blew the pick. He saw something in Trubiksy that is clearly not there.
The last 10 Bears offenses to score less than 17 points per game and the primary starting qb that year:

2019 - 16.9/game - Mitch Trubisky
2017 - 16.5/game - Mitch Trubisky/Mike Glennon
2005 - 16.3/game - Kyle Orton
2004 - 14.4/game - Chad Hutchinson/Craig Krenzel
2000 - 13.5/game - Cade McNown/Shane Matthews
1997 - 16.4/game - Erik Kramer
1994 - 16.9/game - Steve Walsh/Erik Kramer
1993 - 14.6/game - Jim Harbaugh
1982 - 15.7/game - Jim McMahon
1981 - 15.8/game - Vince Evans
1978 - 15.8/game - Bob Avellini/Mike Phipps

Man the Bears had miserable offenses from 1993 to 2005! The only two good years were 1995 when Erik Kramer had that fluke year with Curtis Conway and Jeff Graham at wideout and Rashaan Salaam having his one good year in the NFL and then 2001, Jim Miller's only healthy/not-suspended-for-steroids season, again with a rookie RB - Anthony Thomas - having one of only two decent seasons and Marty Booker catching 100 balls. The Bears offense was routinely mediocre to pretty good for the next 11 seasons after that until John Fox came along and set offensive football in Chicago back to the pre-Ditka age.

I think Pace and Nagy will have one more year to prove that 2019 is the fluke and not 2018, but it really looks like 2018 was a weak SoS and high TO ratio induced fluke.
They said they pulled Trubisky because he aggravated a hip injury. If true, they have run out of any reasons not to sign Kaepernick.
Kaepernick showed with his antics this weekend that he is really not interested in playing in the NFL. It's easier and more profitable to keep playing the martyr role and collecting a big paycheck from Nike. I'd be surprised if anybody signs him now.
Kaepernick showed with his antics this weekend that he is really not interested in playing in the NFL. It's easier and more profitable to keep playing the martyr role and collecting a big paycheck from Nike. I'd be surprised if anybody signs him now.

I'm not sure not wanting to cede complete control of the event to people you think are colluding against you necessarily qualifies as "antics" but to each their own, I guess.
I'm not sure not wanting to cede complete control of the event to people you think are colluding against you necessarily qualifies as "antics" but to each their own, I guess.
I think the initial setup was a CYA move by the NFL, but 25 teams were interested in taking a look. Give me a break, if he wanted to play in the league he would not have waited until just before the setup time to change the venue. He would have said something earlier in the week. Yes, they were "antics" and now he can cry about still being colluded against. That's best for his brand.
I'm not sure not wanting to cede complete control of the event to people you think are colluding against you necessarily qualifies as "antics" but to each their own, I guess.

He and his pal JayZ had to know this was gonna be his last shot at the NFL...

And they pretty much guaranteed that by their actions....

This hijinx was absolutely preplanned by them with the intent to not tell the NFL until the absolute last moment, or else all the other videographers and T-Shirt brigade wouldn't have been there....

Sidenote.... what happened to the YT lcon for inserting a clip??? I wanted to attach Stephen A's response to Kaepernick's shennanagins.... ;-)
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If Colin Kaepernick doesn’t actually want to play football again, he’s going about it in a weird way. Generally the way one goes about not playing football anymore is you stop working out, going to tryouts, and publicly stating that you want to play football again

If a team makes him an offer and he declines, it will go public fast.

Would signing Kaepernick be a circus? Sure. But what exactly are the Bears trying to preserve at this point?

I fail to see the downside.
If Colin Kaepernick doesn’t actually want to play football again, he’s going about it in a weird way. Generally the way one goes about not playing football anymore is you stop working out, going to tryouts, and publicly stating that you want to play football again

If a team makes him an offer and he declines, it will go public fast.

Would signing Kaepernick be a circus? Sure. But what exactly are the Bears trying to preserve at this point?

I fail to see the downside.
Worried about alienating the fan base? The last thing the major corporate sponsors want is getting thrown into this controversy.
And this disaster of a season while clinging to a qb that clearly doesn’t have “it” isn’t alienating the fanbase?
The Bears have done that for the better part of 30 years with no real detriment to ticket sales and profitability. I may be over stating it but I believe there is a real concern over attaching your brand to Colin Kaepernick. Nike did it, but that was a calculated move based on their demographic. If the Bears stink with Kaepernick I think there is a real risk of enough blowback to hurt ticket sales. Of course if they are good nobody will care....can’t see them rolling those dice. Look around the stands and in the sky boxes, not a lot of dudes rocking the Nikes.
If Colin Kaepernick doesn’t actually want to play football again, he’s going about it in a weird way. Generally the way one goes about not playing football anymore is you stop working out, going to tryouts, and publicly stating that you want to play football again

If a team makes him an offer and he declines, it will go public fast.

Would signing Kaepernick be a circus? Sure. But what exactly are the Bears trying to preserve at this point?

I fail to see the downside.

Kaepernick works for Nike, masters at publicity, he also has an agent that represents him to Nike/NFL/etc.... and their job is to keep their clients name front and center as much as possible. Kaepernick has made more money via Nike as a Protester/Figurehead/Spokesperson than he ever made playing football. I find it funny that Jay-Z, who did as much to make this workout happen, has turned on him as well.

Early on, teams did make him offers, as a back-up and at a back-ups salary, he declined. It did go public fast. Biggest one? Opting out of his 126 million contract! :faint:

Curious, because I have not heard, what tryouts has Kaepernick been to the past couple years?

If you do not see the downside, I will assume you've never run a business. Knowing the risks in every decision you make is SOP. Perhaps you meant no downside for Kaepernick? If so, that is true. But for literally every single NFL team, there is.

There are tons of articles out the past couple days that outline why Kaepernick will never make a roster as a QB in the NFL, ever again, after this fiasco. The NFL covered their arses, and Kaepernick will continue to make millions of $$$$. Just not in the NFL, but with Nike....

I forget who authored the one article I read that suggested he go to the CFL, and earn his way back to the NFL. I think if he REALLY wants to play in the NFL, that is really the only realistic way to find his way back at this point.
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Kaepernick works for Nike, masters at publicity, he also has an agent that represents him to Nike/NFL/etc.... and their job is to keep their clients name front and center as much as possible. Kaepernick has made more money via Nike as a Protester/Figurehead/Spokesperson than he ever made playing football. I find it funny that Jay-Z, who did as much to make this workout happen, has turned on him as well.

Early on, teams did make him offers, as a back-up and at a back-ups salary, he declined. It did go public fast. Biggest one? Opting out of his 126 million contract! :faint:

Curious, because I have not heard, what tryouts has Kaepernick been to the past couple years?

If you do not see the downside, I will assume you've never run a business. Knowing the risks in every decision you make is SOP. Perhaps you meant no downside for Kaepernick? If so, that is true. But for literally every single NFL team, there is.

There are tons of articles out the past couple days that outline why Kaepernick will never make a roster as a QB in the NFL, ever again, after this fiasco. The NFL covered their arses, and Kaepernick will continue to make millions of $$$$. Just not in the NFL, but with Nike....

I forget who authored the one article I read that suggested he go to the CFL, and earn his way back to the NFL. I think if he REALLY wants to play in the NFL, that is really the only realistic way to find his way back at this point.
I run three businesses. I do fine, thank you.

The NFL “covered their !!!” with Kaepernick to the tune of a multi-million dollar restraint of trade settlement.

The fact that Kaepernick is out of the League but people like Kareem Hunt get back in almost immediately is a double standard that will always mystify me.
I run three businesses. I do fine, thank you.

The NFL “covered their !!!” with Kaepernick to the tune of a multi-million dollar restraint of trade settlement.

The fact that Kaepernick is out of the League but people like Kareem Hunt get back in almost immediately is a double standard that will always mystify me.

Awesome, glad to hear it!

I was referring to the NFL CYA'ing themselves with this recent workout. That settlement was a business thing, cheaper to settle, so they did. I think they feel they have done enough now that they can wash their hands of him without any serious public backlash. We'll see....

Hunt's transgressions were all legal stuff, right? I'm not sure, don't remember and am too tired to look it up. That said, once you've 'paid the price' (whether some think so or not) it's easier to get back in.
And this disaster of a season while clinging to a qb that clearly doesn’t have “it” isn’t alienating the fanbase?
I am no football expert.

I have no idea if Mitch has "it". I would tend to agree that he doesn't, however, I am seriously confused on how you can tell, or how this is all on him (as radio/TV/newspaper/blog reporters seem to feel). The o-line has not protected, and more importantly, has not opened any holes to speak of, for the running backs. I watch other teams open up lanes against d-lines, but not the Bears. Wide-outs and TEs dropping passes/not running correct routes. False starts and bad holding calls. The one game that Nagy went to the run, with a traditional set, it worked, Montgomery got 100+ yards, and there was balance. The next week, starts running from the shotgun again. And I do think that the running backs do overthink some of their carries. Oh, and a kicker who couldn't beat our U of I's kicker. I was hoping for Watson in the draft, because I was familiar with him. I agree that the Bears need to bring in some competition next year, I would look to the free agent market and a mid/late draft pick. I would like to see how Mitch would do, when put in a position to succeed. Balanced offensive attack, real running game, not chucking it 45+ times a game. Am I wrong?

ps- GET OFF MY LAWN!!!! :)
Awesome, glad to hear it!

I was referring to the NFL CYA'ing themselves with this recent workout. That settlement was a business thing, cheaper to settle, so they did. I think they feel they have done enough now that they can wash their hands of him without any serious public backlash. We'll see....

Hunt's transgressions were all legal stuff, right? I'm not sure, don't remember and am too tired to look it up. That said, once you've 'paid the price' (whether some think so or not) it's easier to get back in.

Hunt's "transgressions" were of the physical assault of a woman variety. To get specific, he was caught on video shoving a woman to the ground and kicking her. The fact that Hunt has a contract and Kaepernick is unemployed says a lot about the values of the NFL (and many of its fans).

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." ~Desmond Tutu

Hunt's "transgressions" were of the physical assault of a woman variety. To get specific, he was caught on video shoving a woman to the ground and kicking her. The fact that Hunt has a contract and Kaepernick is unemployed says a lot about the values of the NFL (and many of its fans).

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." ~Desmond Tutu


Thanks for the clarification.
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