Missouri 63, Illinois 56 POSTGAME

Bring on North Carolina A&T!!! I dare ya!!!
Absolutely not pinning this loss on Kofi (too many other team failures today), but he needs to practice finishing through contact.
Forget this team, you want to make a point? Beat them. Don't get upset over a worthless dunk. Get off the floor and go home.
This is terrible ppl. This is year 3 for Brad it's no longer the lack of talent here. It simple at this point coaching winning against teams you should beat. Missouri isn't good they will be lucky to get to the NIT. Which says a lot about this team. It's just not good. Go Illini...
Did we even practice for this game? Tilmon doesn't hardly play, Smith doesn't score and we get rolled. Appers that if Kofi isn't dominant we can't score. Got outrebounded, and Mizzou was far tougher.
I would say we deserve a fan holding up our version of a MIZNOZ sign....but..... my top notch Illinois public school vocabulary skills tell me it would still read ILL INI.

Someone cofirm......we can't even clown sign our own name?