Redbox Bowl Game Thread: Illinois vs Cal

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No quit in this group, that’s for sure. Let’s get a TO and make this interesting
I have worn this Illini hoodie 5 times in the last month and a half. It has resulted in 5 straight loses. 2 in basketball and 2, soon to be 3 in football. I blame the loses on my throw back Illini hoodie.
Burn it or frame it—just never wear it again!
Can Cal do something wrong now please...something that actually gets called?
Vederian Lowe made a key block on a safety who could have stopped the touchdown. The big guy pushed the safety back 3 feet and to the ground.
Buddy tells me the suspension is retroactive. Eifler will be unavailable for the first half of the opener next season.
Let’s get a stop and score. Lets make the game respectable.

There’s a lot to hate about this game so far, but through it all, there’s a lot to like too. The future is bright (*er at least).
The QB should not put his receiver in the position to be targeted. It used to be the QB responsibility. Now the rules say the defense is responsible. Brass backwards.
Time to start teaching defenders to go for players knees now. Weird how that used to be considered dirty, but now screw it tear more players knees. Targeting ruins the game, but hey at least our targeting wasn’t as bad as Ohio St lol
Buddy tells me the suspension is retroactive. Eifler will be unavailable for the first half of the opener next season.
Maybe we will find someone who plays the position better.
Finally playing aggressive defense.. we should have been coming at him like this all game. Now let’s go get a score. 6:52 to go. Come on I L L
Finally playing aggressive defense.. we should have been coming at him like this all game. Now let’s go get a score. 6:52 to go. Come on I L L
Yeah. One wonders why you wait 3 1/2 quarters to finally become aggressive after how everything you did before wasn't working. Mind boggling.
Finally playing aggressive defense.. we should have been coming at him like this all game. Now let’s go get a score. 6:52 to go. Come on I L L
we were doing this early and then stopped for some reason....
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