Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2020)

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I always thought it was because Hopkins kinda looks like the weeknd, but it seems he means the weekend as in Saturday and Sunday. Though QC has posted about the weeknd now for like 4 straight weeks, so I'm not sure which weekend he's referring to at this point.

Weekend Update!

Hearing Hoosiers a lot all the sudden. CB’s still say Keeentucky
Not much here, other than what we already have seen posted. No offense to our insiders, but those outside the program see things quite differently. IMO, there's way too much buzz on Kentucky to think our insiders know something everyone else doesn't. We're far too biased to have a good perspective on what's happening or likely to happen.

UK leads, Hopkins visited UK

I was told that visit was back in August when he first decommitted... not a couple weeks ago imo.
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Do we have the local Oak Park bakery staked out? (May require volunteer Loyalty shift workers over the next 7-10 days).
Nesbitt supposedly did 3, no reason to believe Hopkins won't do 3.

A few questions arising from two of your posts, TC, which are appreciated.

1. In re: Nesbitt's commitment media package, the videos were produced by his friend in the Metro area while Tipton created the decision imaging, yes? And said decision to go with Tipton was a tacit reveal to Illinois that his ship was sailing elsewhere, correct? If so, and outside of what his father mentioned about producing video(s) this weekend, do we know the (edit: people) in charge of producing Bryce's commitment media package?

2. The one-time immediate eligibility policy for transfers does not seem to provide retroactive protection for a player choosing to transfer after this season due to the would-be effective date of August 1st. Any current, academically eligible player who intends to transfer after the '20-'21 season would not be covered; if a player in this category who gives their notification by May 1, the current rule would apply and the player would be required to sit unless a waiver is granted. This is a viable loophole that if not resolved in the final policy, will likely be exploited by NCAA and institutions fearing chaos, player churn and loss of $$$. Did anyone reach the same conclusion or have the ~40hrs that I have been awake caused a complete misread?

And in other news, Bruce Pearl netted a commitment from trending 2022 7' Sage Tolentino (Link). It is utterly baffling how this loathsome hypocrite may still coach at a P5 school, let alone recruit at the level at which he does.
Anybody able to translate?

(Wait, is this a sign I’m getting old?? Or maybe I’m just not cool...probably both)
I take it as we are going to be crying this weekend.....Doesn't look like happy tears
If anyone knows anything it’s definitely not me, it’s combes... Just sayin 🤷🏽

But if combes truly is the combes that I think he is… Then I would be thinking it would be past his bedtime 😴 🙂 💤
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