How does your Illini room compare to ilphotog's?

I have seen a room similar in comparison but they have a bathroom in their basement as well and it's completely covered in Illini stuff as well, all the way down to the Illini toilet paper. Of course, no one is allowed in the bathroom to use it. It's only to look at.
They also have orange and blue tile covering the floor. If I recall correctly, they even have an Illini decorated ceiling fan.
ilphotog...........very impressive my friend! Keep up the good work. Next thing to add, orange and blue furniture!


North Carolina
I'm stunned. You'll never be able to move. All that's missing is a blue Illini coffin with plush orange interior, and a coordinated headstone that says "Go Illini!"


Charlotte, NC
I have a question?

ilphotog, when you framed the newspaper, is there anything special you did with them to persevere their color? I know they get a yellowish tint, and fade really easily. I would really like to get a nice black frame with an orange background and frame all those really nice Illinois final four train covers the chicago tribune put out.


Brandon, Fl
In ref to Erin Andrews - pictured on one wall of that fabulous room - she graduated from Bloomingdale HS about one mile from my home in the Brandon (Fl) area. Lived her young life in my neighborhood. Don't pay much attn to her now though. Does she do a good job ? Is she an Illini fan ?

Great room - I have an old Kams mug, old programs, some footballs and hats auto graphed by some one or another - but thats about it after 44 years or so since graduating.

That collection is mind boggling !

Big Bob in Brandon


What the heck? No orange carpet?! Clearly, you aren't fully committed to the cause. ;)

Seriously though, I've never seen anything like that. And having lived three years in Lincoln Nebraska, I've seen some pretty crazed fans who are willing to do things like wear foam corn on their head to work. But I've never seen any display of fandom that rivals that. :D


The camera never lies
Thanks everyone! I'll try and answer some of your questions. I started following the Illini in 1983 when the football team had that awesome year. I think my mom got me a couple things to start with. When I moved to Champaign in 1985 I was shocked when I saw a store that sold nothing but Illini items.(Illini World). I got several items from there and other stores. But the main influence was from a newspaper article that showed someone with a Illini room, and that started my journey to wanting my own Illini room some day.
Over the next twenty years I picked up more and more items, leaving them in storage containers. until two years ago when my wife and I bought our current house with a full basement.
So my twenty year dream finally was fulfilled.
Everything I have was either bought by myself or family members, and some things were given to me.

Cost- A lot!

The helmets were bought from a company that takes old helmets and repaints them and adds the decals to match the original style. The leather helmet was hand made to be the exact same as the one Red Grange wore.

About every 6 months I switch some things around, add new items, and rotate out some of the photo's.

I have about a hundred items still in storage, not enough room at this time. Not pictured is my office off the Illini room, I have a couple lamps,clock and other sports front pages. I also have a full bathroom with a chief logo shower curtain with Illini hooks, 3 orange walls and one white wall, with a large Illini photo and a shelf with some Illini jars.

If you have newspaper front pages etc, laminate them (Kinko's).

Where do I find everything! Everywhere, gas stations, dept. stores, flea markets, garage sales etc, plus I have others who look for me when they are out shopping. But the best place EBAY, EBAY, EBAY! And other on line stores, just Google "fighting illini merchandise"

Thanks again everyone, hope you enjoyed it.

P.S. Special thanks to Dan!

NV Illini 74

Amazing, ilphotog!

Congrats on your Illini room - and thanks for sharing!

I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it.


To think that in the past, people have accused me of being over the top. :rolleyes: This makes my little obssesion look like child's play.

My only suggestion to the owner would be this: since this is obviously in a basement, I would invest in about 1,674,342 different sump pumps, battery-driven backup sump pumps, water-driven emergency backups to the backups, etc. :eek:


this is the greatest thing i have ever seen. i would never... ever... ever ever ever leave the room. that is unless there was another illini item i had to get. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for the ideas. my wife hates you, i love you!


This is freakin awesome. I have always dreamed of how my room will look. But now i can actually see it. Well im not to old so....will you adopt me and i will stay in that room. I hope i can have half that much stuff when my room is done.
No Illini room can be called complete without at least one photo of Erin Andrews :D


Nice baseball photos. I grew up playing vs. two kids who wore the orange and blue. Dusty Bensko(pleasant plains) and JR Kyes(southeast). Do you know either. JR and I were teammates in high school.


Zoggle, i too played against dusty bensko(pleasant plains) in baseball and basketball.We were in the same conference so we played quite a few times against each other. And i dont think we beat him in either sports all four years. lol

Deleted member 3875

Amazing collection of ILLINI memorabilia. Just need some orange and blue leather couches to make it complete.

fightingillini fan 4-ever

ilphotog, have you thought about my suggestion of a hardwood floor with the Block I replica of the Assembly Hall. That would be so cool :cool:. Go Illini!!!


If there is ever a flood coming close to your home. I am confident that Illini fans from all across America would be willing to convene at your house to defend that basement until death.


The camera never lies
ilphotog, have you thought about my suggestion of a hardwood floor with the Block I replica of the Assembly Hall. That would be so cool :cool:. Go Illini!!!

If it wasnt in the basement, yes, I had one flood about 20 months ago, about 3 inches of water, luckily we got the sump pump fixed quickly and got the water out in few hours,(since extra back ups). Luckily not to much damage, and I didnt lose any Illini stuff.

fightingillini fan 4-ever

If it wasnt in the basement, yes, I had one flood about 20 months ago, about 3 inches of water, luckily we got the sump pump fixed quickly and got the water out in few hours,(since extra back ups). Luckily not to much damage, and I didnt lose any Illini stuff.
omg, that is scary.....