Pregame: Illinois at Iowa, Monday, December 6th, 6:00pm CT, FS1

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I was starting to doze off with a classroom full of 7th graders. This was better than a double shot of espresso!
Nearly nodding off in a room full of 7th graders? What’s in the water your town? I taught and I certainly don’t remember 7th graders being so quiet and docile.

No seriously if you teach junior high you deserve hazard pay. I’m glad there are still people willing to do that. Thank you for your service.
I'm most interested to see what kind of tempo we play at theses next 2 games. Iowa and Arizona both like to play fast. It might be in our best interest to slow it down, play more deliberately, and pound Kofi down low. Or do we try to run with them?
NO...No run....I repeat no run.....maybe a couple times when the opportunity presents itself....but without AC no....running with Iowa or Arizona will result in bad outcomes
Actually very curious on matchups for Plum and Trent. I would put Trent on JBo and Plum on Touss. May change during the game based on the hot hand. Would be great if Hutch was ready to add to the mix.
Seen nothing from hutch that he is anything more than a late entry when the game is essentially over. Injuries wont allow us to see or him to live up to expectations.
And for anyone who is crotchety like me and refuses to let the past go, let's look at those game totals real quick.

41 games: Illinois, Iowa, Maryland
40 games: Wisc, OSU, MSU, Pur
39 games: none
38 games: none
37 games: Mich

Muck Fichigan and their fraudulent banner.
Perhaps if he had practiced everyday for the last month and played meaningful minutes, I would too.

Unfortunately, he never could get healthy and looked slower than frozen pond water in his scrub minutes against Rutgers.

I don't see him cracking the top rotation ever, unfortunate case of bad luck he had. Seems like a good kid, too.
No, it's not on BU. He can clipboard and coach how to break pressure in his sleep. They can practice each and every situation ad nauseum. There is no simulating game pressure, there is no simulating crowd noise, there's no simulating momentum, etc. and on the road, getting discombobulated under that pressure, is between the ears.

Handling pressure is on the guards. Don't run to a corner, don't try and dribble through pressure, yada, yada, yada. Basketball 101. Our guys(especially the Juniors and Seniors) know this and I'm sure BU has belabored the point.

BU is a cream of the crop head coach, but ultimately the players play.

Now, what does lie on BU is game management and having the right mix of guys out there. I don't like the thought of Plummer or DFW putting the ball on the deck. There's not a lot of options outside of TF, with AC being out.
Plummer has done an excellent job when putting the ball on the deck over the last couple of games. It could be that he has become accustomed to doing this after not being thought of in that capacity early on. Thus, no practice work on assuming those particular duties during practices with the Illini.
Perhaps if he had practiced everyday for the last month and played meaningful minutes, I would too.

Unfortunately, he never could get healthy and looked slower than frozen pond water in his scrub minutes against Rutgers.

I don't see him cracking the top rotation ever, unfortunate case of bad luck he had. Seems like a good kid, too.
Assuming this is in reference to hutch. If so you stated it very well
Perhaps if he had practiced everyday for the last month and played meaningful minutes, I would too.

Unfortunately, he never could get healthy and looked slower than frozen pond water in his scrub minutes against Rutgers.

I don't see him cracking the top rotation ever, unfortunate case of bad luck he had. Seems like a good kid, too.
Hutch may have still been in his final stages of the flu which might be why BU didn't play him earlier in the game. He has had a couple of days to intensely work out since then.
Posts 103, 106, 109, and 110 should be required reading before making a new post.

Kind of applicable to any thread really, not just this one.
I often wonder how some of the adult Twitter warriors would handle such scrutiny, let alone a college student.
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