1/27 Games

If you think DMFW is a liability on offense, go watch Conner McCaffrey. Purdue was almost disrespectful in the way they didn't care when he got the ball.
Give Purdue a ton of credit. Every time Iowa got it down to 5 or 6(got it to 4 once), Purdue hit a punch in the gut three. Happened three or four times.
They only recruited him to get his younger brother
Jake Gyllenhaal Reaction GIF
Midway through the first half and LMU hanging tight but as much as I want to believe the Zags could drop this game at home, it ain't happening.
If you think the Big10 refs are bad, you should check out this WCC game with St. Mary's and San Fran, yowser!! Brutal officiating
Looks like the basketball gods were not smiling on Illini Nation in 1/27 games, though 15th ranked Southern Cal did lose at home to unranked and 12-6 Stanford. This may ultimately help us in NCAA seeding.
where were some of those FT misses against Illini? 26 for 32 on 1/17 10 for 22 against Iowa....
If you think the Big10 refs are bad, you should check out this WCC game with St. Mary's and San Fran, yowser!! Brutal officiating
We think Big 10 referees are bad because we use our hearts when watching the games, but they are better than the referees in most leagues around the country. Still bad, I agree. Just better than most other leagues.