Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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transfer candidate? Antigua had him bagged until DePaul pulled a last minute swoop.

He's struggled some with his shot, but he's stroking it lately.
Given that his main reason for having us in the lead (pre-whatever TF DePaul did) was his relationship with OA, if he were to transfer from DePaul is there any reason it would be to us rather than another program? Heck, if he's showing enough talent at DePaul, maybe OA just brings him to UK.
Another factor for Boswell which I don't think gets much mention around here is the roster of players that he will be playing with. I think the Illini's classes of '21 and '22 are a lot more impressive than Arizona's, at this point, and ought to be an attractive factor. Yes, I understand that the portal can change that quickly. Yes, I also understand that Boswell himself could be a bit of a Pied Piper for other '23s, wherever he goes.
Didn't realize Boswell was part of the Aina clan -- no wonder he's a gifted athlete. I grew up around and played sports with his two uncles, one of whom was the Babe Ruth of C-U little league baseball (could throw a 70 mph fastball in 6th grade and was good for a HR/game). They were a pretty tight-knit family from what I can recall. My family moved when I was around Kylan's age; that's a tough age to leave childhood friends and I can attest to the pull C-U has when that is where you spent your whole childhood, even if the place you move to is more interesting/metropolitan (and that's without having significant family in the area too). Hopefully the state of our program and Ayo's success will help convince Kylan/his parents that he doesn't need to be elsewhere to get the recognition he deserves.
He was in C-U during snow. He should be forced to visit Tucson in summer 100F to be fair.

Don't forget those desert allergies.

No idea if that's real I just remember a time people thought Sean Miller might have interest in coming here because his wife was allergic to everything in Arizona lol fun times
Don't forget those desert allergies.

No idea if that's real I just remember a time people thought Sean Miller might have interest in coming here because his wife was allergic to everything in Arizona lol fun times
They definitely are a thing. Ask my wife. We lived in Phoenix 9 years and that was one thing she didn't miss when we moved away a couple years ago.
I don't think I'm necessarily "allergic" to tarantulas, bark scorpions, rattlesnakes, coral snakes, mountain lions, Gila monsters, Sonoran Toads, Tarantula Hawks (a wasp, not a spider bird), Arizona giant centipedes, and "other spiders".......but I imagine I would have a serious reaction to any of those things.
I don't think I'm necessarily "allergic" to tarantulas, bark scorpions, rattlesnakes, coral snakes, mountain lions, Gila monsters, Sonoran Toads, Tarantula Hawks (a wasp, not a spider bird), Arizona giant centipedes, and "other spiders".......but I imagine I would have a serious reaction to any of those things.
In fairness, you've really got to try to get a tarantula hawk to sting you. They're super docile... unless you happen to be a tarantula.
I have a son living in Phoenix. A few years ago they set a record of thirty some days consecutive with temp 110 degrees or higher.
We left Flag one summer day in a cool 90 degrees and got to about Blackrock Canyon to go to a consignment store (wife's idea) and it was 117. Such intense heat like I couldn't imagine. We left and went straight to Sky Harbor where they have the best parking shuttle drivers of all the places I've been.
We left Flag one summer day in a cool 90 degrees and got to about Blackrock Canyon to go to a consignment store (wife's idea) and it was 117. Such intense heat like I couldn't imagine. We left and went straight to Sky Harbor where they have the best parking shuttle drivers of all the places I've been.
We have 3ish months where it's too cold to be outside much, they have 3ish months where it's too hot to be outside. Weather is almost never a deciding factor.
Strong family, strong work ethic, NBA potential, Illinois ties? hmmmmm....where have I seen this recruiting story before?

Oh yeah!


Bring it home Kylan!!
I'm really excited about Mr. Harris and his " dog " drive .....I remember his dad saying that's what they liked about the Illini program , that every day guy , dogged approached to not taking any short cuts to winning.........He could be the one that totally takes minutes away from more experienced players next year with his drive and determination ....................................Got skills that I know BU loves and wants more of for the Illini.............
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