Illinois 54, Chattanooga 53 Postgame

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Really? I know a lot of fans love Cubelo but when I see 6 turnovers, 4 assists, 1 of 7 shooting. His defense was that good? He is our key guy out there? I need someone to explain it since the stats don't show it to me.
Here’s the thing: he’s so good that he committed six turnovers and shot 1-for-7 and was still the straw that stirred the drink tonight. I can’t explain how difficult that is to pull off.
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We just don't have the back court for a deep run. I mean it doesn't mean it's impossible but a lot more depth there would go a long way towards making that easier. And I don't mean on defense; our defense is solid. Offensively we have fits and spurts. We're just don't have reliable offensive production. When we struggle offensively Belo ends up trying a little too hard, struggles turn into turnovers, and the opponent gets into a rhythm. We've come a long way from 4-5 years ago, but we've got a little ways to go. Props to the all the kids and coaches fighting to get there. Fun game to watch... a little TOO fun. Let's win one more and get to the Sweet Sixteen.
Really? I know a lot of fans love Cubelo but when I see 6 turnovers, 4 assists, 1 of 7 shooting. His defense was that good? He is our key guy out there? I need someone to explain it since the stats don't show it to me.
He’s the only one that consistently gets into the paint. I love trent but he’s not an orchestrator like Belo. Belo also had a couple passes that not many other players could have made.
As far as Curbelo goes, when he is on the floor, he has my mindset tuned to expectations such as show me something you haven't done yet.
Great to see us win at the end, but I don't think Chattanooga was as good as some predicted. Looked up there computer ranking and Sagarin had them at 83. Not sure they are that good.

Kofi had their big guys in foul trouble after the first half, but I don't feel like he took advantage of it in the second half. He still misses layups and dunks in close, so Coleman follows his shots for some put backs.

Coleman Hawkins had great energy out there tonight, really made his mark and we need his size on the court at all times.

Plummer came up with some huge 3 pointers, key player in the game. Made up for some poor outside shooting tonight by our guards.

Williams as usual was so valuable on the boards and defensive end.

Frazier had a tough night shooting, but I like him at point guard and nice defensive effort again.

Curbelo is a mystery to me. Super popular player and full of talent, but his turnovers and shooting are really costly at times. I'm not sure he's the answer at point guard even though he comes up with some great assists to the bigs.

Would have liked to see the freshman tonight. We could have used their energy, rebounding and lower mistakes basketball.

I think we have a lot of talent this year, but it really didn't show tonight. Rebounding, offensive execution and turnovers need to improve to move to sweet 16.
Just got back from the game. Spent 39 minutes wondering why in the world I would drive 8 hours to put myself through absolute misery. (made worse because got stuck with seats by the three most obnoxious Ohio State fans you could imagine cheering like crazy for Chattanooga.)

Then the final minute happened and it made all that worth it and then some.

Just a few observations -

1) The pregame sendoff for the team at the hotel was really cool. Band, cheerleaders, lots of Illini fans high-fiving and fist-bumping the players and coaches as they walked through the crowd to the bus. Not sure if that's something they always do but loved it.

2) Not sure how it sounded on TV but definitely felt like a road game especially later in the second half when the casual fans started getting into the game and pulling for the Mocs.

3) It was interesting watching Underwood and Hawkins interact during some of the late second half and timeouts. Got to go back and read to what all happened there.

4) Nice arena, great atmosphere, even with a game both teams struggled a lot. I like Pittsburgh, fun city to walk around. Illinois really plays hard on defense, for the most part didn't let the offensive problems carry over. Kofi was gassed in second half which is understandable when you see the beating he takes.

5) Survive and advance! We get at least one more chance to watch the Illini this year, which I'm very thankful for.
I'll take the criticism but, Curbelo has not made the progression from frosh to sophomore that is needed.
What play that is forgiven as a freshman is not so cool as a soph, needs to mature. Still too loose with the ball, too much hero.

Often we need the good pass, not the magical one. Missed a lot of games this year so maybe he is still on track but just too frustrating for me right now.
He does make up for a lot with great defense.
Can all the negative Nancy's that were constantly posting that we suck during the game thread, just cut it out for the rest of the tourney.
Because of a necessary prior engagement, had to pause the action just after halftime and come back to it later (what a game!), but I was truly starting to think some of those folks on the game thread needed a welfare check…. I sincerely hope they’re all OK.
The “healthiest we’ve been all year” is clearly a blatant misdirection.
Trent is half blind and beat to hell (but still played great D)
Grandison isn’t close to right
And did you guys see Curbelo plug his ear before the ref blew the whistle next to him on the inbounds?

Hopefully Jake and Trent are in better shape on Sunday.
I mean, still two guys down with sickness and a shoulder and pink eye and ear problems. Still might be the healthiest we’ve been all year
I'll take the criticism but, Curbelo has not made the progression from frosh to sophomore that is needed.
What play that is forgiven as a freshman is not so cool as a soph, needs to mature. Still too loose with the ball, too much hero.

Often we need the good pass, not the magical one. Missed a lot of games this year so maybe he is still on track but just too frustrating for me right now.
He does make up for a lot with great defense.

Dude....he was concussed (probably twice), had Covid, some other unknown ailment...and has only participated in about 1/3 of this seasons practices and half the games.

Recalibrate your "progression" meter.
If you went only by this we shouldn’t play Hawkins or Plummer or Williams tonight. Unfortunately +|- only tells part of the story and can be misleading
You're right it can. It's why this chart


might led one to believe we shouldn't play Curbelo. But they'd need to understand it's over the course of the season and takes into account the games he was recovering from a serious head injury.

When you look at more recent data...



...or look for a more specific shot selection...

20220318_223410.jpg get a better picture of Curbelo's value. He forces teams to close in on him and facilitates. A lot of times, he should likely be credited with a hockey assist (if we kept that stat for basketball).

Tonight was bad because our shooters went cold and he felt pressure to create his own shot. That's never been his strong suit; he's not Iso Ayo. That being said, he's still a damn good player and we're a better team with him than without him.
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