Illinois 54, Chattanooga 53 Postgame

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Just got back from the game. Spent 39 minutes wondering why in the world I would drive 8 hours to put myself through absolute misery. (made worse because got stuck with seats by the three most obnoxious Ohio State fans you could imagine cheering like crazy for Chattanooga.)

Then the final minute happened and it made all that worth it and then some.

Just a few observations -

1) The pregame sendoff for the team at the hotel was really cool. Band, cheerleaders, lots of Illini fans high-fiving and fist-bumping the players and coaches as they walked through the crowd to the bus. Not sure if that's something they always do but loved it.

2) Not sure how it sounded on TV but definitely felt like a road game especially later in the second half when the casual fans started getting into the game and pulling for the Mocs.

3) It was interesting watching Underwood and Hawkins interact during some of the late second half and timeouts. Got to go back and read to what all happened there.

4) Nice arena, great atmosphere, even with a game both teams struggled a lot. I like Pittsburgh, fun city to walk around. Illinois really plays hard on defense, for the most part didn't let the offensive problems carry over. Kofi was gassed in second half which is understandable when you see the beating he takes.

5) Survive and advance! We get at least one more chance to watch the Illini this year, which I'm very thankful for.
Don’t really understand the OSU fans. I would think B10 fans would change their mindset during the tourney. I want all B10 teams to win their games and I pull for them until they play us. The more wins the B10 gets the better the league looks.
No its not not with the absolute lack of ball movement we see from the starters .

That balls goes into Kofi and everyone else kind of just stands there .

Throw into Kofi or Chuck a three . You see no player movement whatsoever even when Kofi is triple teamed which is amazing considering the age of the players because by now they should be doing it in their sleep . It has to be something on tape because teams are not worried at all about our players cutting or moving . They will send 2-3 guys at Kofi hard because they know the other are not gonna make those hard cuts and finish at the rim or even to

If I know I can run from the 3pt line and double Kofi and when I turn around after Kofi scores or we foul him and the guy I'm guarding is still standing in the exact same spot I'm gonna double him hard all game . But if I go to double and turn around and my guy cuts to the basket or sneaks and goes and grabs an offensive rebound I'm gonna hesitate to leave and be more conscientious of where he is at which gives Kofi a little more space to make his move
More cuts would be nice, especially when we are on a 3 minute scoring drought.

But if we constantly cut to the basket the lane would be clogged for Kofi. With all the 3’s, sometimes it is easier to throw a 3 up and let Kofi or CoHawk get a rebound or put back than forcing it inside.
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Don’t really understand the OSU fans. I would think B10 fans would change their mindset during the tourney. I want all B10 teams to win their games and I pull for them until they play us. The more wins the B10 gets the better the league looks.
Frog, meet scorpion.
Don’t really understand the OSU fans. I would think B10 fans would change their mindset during the tourney. I want all B10 teams to win their games and I pull for them until they play us. The more wins the B10 gets the better the league looks.

I completely understand their attitude. I dislike and will root against ALL other Big Ten teams. It makes no difference to me how the conference is viewed. It's fine with me if the Big Ten becomes the West Coast Conference so long as Illinois becomes like Gonzaga.
How many players in all of College bball have a strong mid-range game? It's almost all 3 pointers or close to the rim. Interestingly enough, the best mid-range scorer in NBA history was David Thompson according to some analysis. What wouldn't I give to see some game like his on our team.
Michael Jordan did not develop a 3 point shot until he was out of college. Prior to the 3 point line, there were plenty of mid-range jump shooters in the co;;ege ranks.
Trust me I get it. I flat out would not want to play with the abuse he takes, and definitely wouldn't be able to keep my cool the way he does. My observation was more comparing my un-researched sense of this year vs. last year (I hadn't looked up his fg% yet). After checking, Kofi was 65.4% last year, 59.5% this year. Do you think he was getting fouled less last year though? Also, I'm a huge Kofi fan (check my avatar) and not trying to be overly critical of him, more of a wondering out loud...
Kofi's definitely getting fouled more this year, imo. Opposing coaches seem to have come to a consensus that slowing him down at all costs is the key to victory.

What frustrates me most is the inconsistency in how he's officiated - there appears to be some kind of quota system in place that limits the foul calls, so they have to let the majority go, no matter how egregious. :mad:
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Michael Jordan did not develop a 3 point shot until he was out of college. Prior to the 3 point line, there were plenty of mid-range jump shooters in the co;;ege ranks.

How many are there today vs. when MJ was in college? I understand the metrics but, it really seems counterintuitive to essentially eliminate part of your offensive possibilities. Imagine football with no middle passing game. You only run the ball or throw long.
Sure. But a lot of the complaints are things like "RJ is better than _______." But we haven't seen how he's been playing in practice lately. BU has. Like everyone, BU makes mistakes, but a number of people on here think they know universally better than him.
Like you think you know better than everyone else? It is an opinion board.
I completely understand their attitude. I dislike and will root against ALL other Big Ten teams. It makes no difference to me how the conference is viewed. It's fine with me if the Big Ten becomes the West Coast Conference so long as Illinois becomes like Gonzaga.
I would rather see ILL the best of the best.
So mutually assured destruction, yet both are too dense to realize it?
Well There It Is Jurassic Park GIF
Don’t really understand the OSU fans. I would think B10 fans would change their mindset during the tourney. I want all B10 teams to win their games and I pull for them until they play us. The more wins the B10 gets the better the league looks.
Then you probably don't understand some Illini fans either. 🙂
Don’t really understand the OSU fans. I would think B10 fans would change their mindset during the tourney. I want all B10 teams to win their games and I pull for them until they play us. The more wins the B10 gets the better the league looks.
I generally agree with you however I have a hard time with MSU after that stuff they pulled on Ayo.
I generally agree with you however I have a hard time with MSU after that stuff they pulled on Ayo.
Good point. Would you say those types of actions, like the play against Ayo, are driven by the player, coach or combo?
And Belo should be benched.
Has anyone said RJ should be benched? He didn’t play last night because our defense allowed 20 points in the second half. BU said as much in the postgame presser.

As a fanbase do we have injury amnesia? This isn’t 2K where RJ is cleared from his appendectomy and is back to fully speed. Let alone being back to where he was in the rotation. It takes time to recover and get reintegrated into the lineup (the only exception was Belo against Purdue, and then he got covid).

Which leads me to Belo and how people forget he had a concussion with some wicked post-concussion syndrome symptoms or whatever non-specific answer we formally get.

Grandi is also coming back from a shoulder. But in his limited action yesterday he was at least a net neutral which was all we could ask for.

If any fanbase should know about injuries, what they do to performance, and how players comeback throughout the season, it should be us.
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Has anyone said RJ should be benched? He didn’t play last night because our defense allowed 20 points in the second half. BU said as much in the postgame presser.

There are two halves what about the first ? We gotta stop making excuses for this stuff as far as I know The coach himself told us everyone would be available .

We had 3 starters scoreless in the first half and they combined to make 5 made fgs in the second half but somehow we cant find 3-4 minutes for anyone else.
There are two halves what about the first ? We gotta stop making excuses for this stuff as far as I know The coach himself told us everyone would be available .

We had 3 starters scoreless in the first half and they combined to make 5 made fgs in the second half but somehow we cant find 3-4 minutes for anyone else.
Is it an excuse or only focusing on one half of the equation? Stop making counter points, Ken! For why and how those decisions were actually made, I have no clue. That's why I'm in a living room cursing and hyperventilating with each possession, and the actual professionals are there at the game doing the game things.


My opinion is that regarding injuries, whether that is an excuse to you or not is something we can discuss further if you'd like, and that is why RJ did not appear in the first half. I also believe BU didn't feel comfortable because even his seniors were crapping their pants for the opening 5 plus minutes of each halve. Being an optimist, it is my hope that things going very differently tomorrow afternoon with both RJ and Goode getting NCAA experience for a Sweet 16 team.
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