Houston 68, Illinois 53 Postgame

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One last thought on today....

I've defended Curbelo on this site and largely love what he brings to the court. However, what was wrong with him the last 2 days?

1) He was eating a sandwich in a 5 minute press conference, which I felt was disrespectful. Can't wait 5 minutes???
2) He got into with the refs BEFORE the game.... About "gear"? Why?
3) He was doing headstands on the court pregame. (Don't know the timing of it, maybe it was a concussion thing, and I get being loose,) But this is puzzling. Why not prep in some other way that is more productive?
4) Got into it with the coaches (allegedly) at half-time which led to him basically being unofficially suspended for the second half.

Not the definition of 'locked-in'. More of a distraction. Again, I am not trying to rail on a guy, but I would love to know out of curiosity what was happening? Maybe tired of the criticism? Something in his personal life? Hopefully he was just out of sorts and can regroup in the off-season.
Also a fan and mostly AC defender, but I also thought one of his answers in that press conference could have been concerning. The question was unfair and awkward, so I give AC the benefit of the doubt.
On the other hand, if we're being critical, he basically doubled down on just doing what he wants to do, how he wants to do it, and that he's going to play high risk no matter what. That could be seen as a lack of awareness and/or lack of willingness to accept coaching or a different perspective that could actually help him grow and get better.
Honestly, he had a really really rough 1st half, and this is from someone who really likes the kid. Just a lot of bad decisions out there today. I was hoping Brad would talk to him a bit to try and settle him down and get him back in there to see how he responded, but that didn't happen and I can understand. It was a tied game with 8min to go. If you're up ir down 10pts, different story and easier to put him in and live with whatever happens. But fact is, based on Curbelo's play in the first half I completely understand Brad having a tough time trusting to have him in the game. Some days it's just not your night- tonight it wasn't Andre's or Damonte's. Just sad it was our last game of the season such they don't have another chance next game to go out there and play to the level they're capable of.
Yeah, I think coach made an adjustment by keeping Curbelo on the bench. I really think it should be more obvious that a PG chucking up 3 point shots when he makes 18% of them isn't a winning solution. Curbelo is great when he drives to the hoop for layups or gets assists with some great passes. He needs to develop a 3 point shot for next season.
Watching college basketball for more than 50 years, and that was quite possibly the worst technical foul call I've ever seen
Amazing how Zebras find ways to screw up games .
Some type of review rule ? Really despise that part of game.
Thank you Illini players and staff
Screw Twitter and Facebook hate
I agree 100%. Never have had either. This forum is the extent of my social media. I feel it’s fair to criticize play on the court as well as praise, but no excuse for personal attacks. On the other hand, if players don’t like social media criticism, they could just stay off of it.
Neither is losing in the first round with a team full of McDs AAs. Plenty of great coaches/programs get bounced out of the tourney early with loads of talent. Terrible take.
Right? Look at Memphis and their recruiting classes combined with their success under Penny Hardaway.
He did this pregame last year, too, so I'm less inclined to view it as inappropriate. It's just what he does, like Kofi juggling soccer balls.

I think the press conference yesterday got to some of the guys. Those questions were rough and I think what's been said in the media has played on them since the Indiana game. Not saying it's an excuse -- players need to develop mental toughness -- but I think it's led to some of the testiness we heard about from Belo today and Trent's earlier tweet.
I thought Trent had a fair point and it changed how I thought about the season a little. It's easy for us to criticize and we haven't been fighting in the trenches for all those years. Trent has been there thru thick and thin and he's been hurt and he's been sick and he has never quit or let us down. Sometimes I think we need to take a deep breath, smile and just say thanks. I mean if I saw Trent on the quad tomorrow I'd yell "Hey man! Thanks for everything! I hope you're feeling better!" I wouldn't try to give the man my thoughts on ball movement on the perimeter.
I tried reading thru this thread (and others) but simply cannot continue. Just want to say, fwiw, I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the contribution of ALL the players and coaches this year. THEY OWE US NOTHING! I owe them so much! I consider it a joy and privilege to be along for the ride, to cheer, to celebrate wins and grieve loses. I also want to thank those of you who contribute here on loyalty. The positive comments, insights, and entertainment (thanks Pruman) helped me get thru so many days and nights. I’m an old man, my life is not great, but Illinoisloyalty and Illini b-ball has been my friend. Thank you all! Be cool, and go Illini!
True dat from another old man
After all else said about Curbelo, (injuries, illness...etc.) I'll add this. He is an artistic, creative soul. He sees things in a game, on the court, that no one else does. He is clearly wired a little different (in a good way, just so i'm clear)...and perhaps in a way that many artists in other genres are. He is unique.

When you look at creative geniuses across the board in other endeavors (music, science, etc.) they are eccentric and maybe even "odd" to others. I hope the fan base can embrace Curbelo for who he is and watch him progress into another Illini legend.
Will we find out Trent was more injured than what was publicly known?

It wasn't just him it was all of the older guys, the lack of confidence in all their shots was so strange to watch. It wasn't young guys scared of the big stage it was veterans who slowly lost all confidence in all of their shots the last few weeks. So strange.
After all else said about Curbelo, (injuries, illness...etc.) I'll add this. He is an artistic, creative soul. He sees things in a game, on the court, that no one else does. He is clearly wired a little different (in a good way, just so i'm clear)...and perhaps in a way that many artists in other genres are. He is unique.

When you look at creative geniuses across the board in other endeavors (music, science, etc.) they are eccentric and maybe even "odd" to others. I hope the fan base can embrace Curbelo for who he is and watch him progress into another Illini legend.
Splendid post, my friend. Exactly my take on AC. His ceiling is way high. I hope he gets hella latitude to do his thing. If he stays healthy and practices regularly, I salivate over what we'll enjoy from him next season.
At the end of the day, the sad fact is: 16 consecutive tournaments with nothing to look forward to after the first weekend. I really want to know what basketball god we made so angry in 2005 to deserve this.

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Not true. We simply didn't rebound and it wasn't because we were less athletic. So many balls right within our grasp that Houston players just wanted more.

We cut their offensive rebounds in half and its likely a one possession game at the end.
Remember how nuts our side would be whenever Hawkins would demonstrate his athleticism scoring on a put back or appearing out of nowhere to snag an offensive rebound. Houston has several Cohawks and Houston‘s have more experience than our guy.
Please dude, people are more than allowed to critique how these men perform. I played college hockey in MN and was fine with people scrutinizing how I played. It comes with the territory.
⬆️ I call horsefeathers on the bolded. Your post history consists of nothing but vitriol toward a young man who played a major role in bringing our program back to relevancy and who holds the school record for games played.

It’s more than fair to expect some pushback on that point from a forum called Illinois Loyalty, but when a poster “scrutinizes” your weak hand, you puff out your lower lip and suck snot over it. There’s no way you were “fine” with people trashing your hockey skills, or lack thereof.
Will we find out Trent was more injured than what was publicly known?

It wasn't just him it was all of the older guys, the lack of confidence in all their shots was so strange to watch. It wasn't young guys scared of the big stage it was veterans who slowly lost all confidence in all of their shots the last few weeks. So strange.
The team has looked just spent the last couple of weeks. I believe Trent has been hurt for some time and I think the injury to Grandison was the tipping point. I doubt we’ll hear the whole story.
At the end of the day, the sad fact is: 16 consecutive tournaments with nothing to look forward to after the first weekend. I really want to know what basketball god we made so angry in 2005 to deserve this.

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I wanted to respond with an upbeat analogy employing the children's book The Little Engine That Could.

Unfortunately, the photo I found of the cover of the original book depicts the engine heading downhill and a clown riding atop the firebox.

So never mind.

I tried reading thru this thread (and others) but simply cannot continue. Just want to say, fwiw, I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the contribution of ALL the players and coaches this year. THEY OWE US NOTHING! I owe them so much! I consider it a joy and privilege to be along for the ride, to cheer, to celebrate wins and grieve loses. I also want to thank those of you who contribute here on loyalty. The positive comments, insights, and entertainment (thanks Pruman) helped me get thru so many days and nights. I’m an old man, my life is not great, but Illinoisloyalty and Illini b-ball has been my friend. Thank you all! Be cool, and go Illini!
It's a fun community, brother, and we're glad to have you. Even better days are ahead. :illinois:
⬆️ I call horsefeathers on the bolded. Your post history consists of nothing but vitriol toward a young man who played a major role in bringing our program back to relevancy and who holds the school record for games played.
It’s more than fair to expect some pushback on that point from a forum called Illinois Loyalty, but when a poster “scrutinizes” your weak hand, you puff out your lower lip and suck snot over it. There’s no way you were “fine” with people trashing your hockey skills, or lack thereof.
Whoah! Them’s 5 minute major penalty for fightin’ words
We would not have beaten many teams in the tourny today- we just haven’t been playing well and had no offensive rhythm - it’s really inexcusable for the amount of time we had to get ready for the tournament to be completely out of sync

I don’t think either of the last two years we can blame on matchups - we haven’t played even remotely well enough to win either year
Agreed. When you don't play well or go to the floor for every loose ball, it's not a match up problem.
Agree for the most part. One thing that got pointed out by Bonner and has been a problem all year is when Kofi is double teamed no one on our team moves to the basket or a spot where Kofi can see to make a pass. Everyone just stands and watches Kofi. On that play that Bonner pointed it out RJ did finally move but Kofi didn't see him and it was too late for a turnover. If Kofi comes back that has to be a point of emphasis for the coaching staff next season. You can't get caught up in watching Kofi, move without the ball.
Gotta give credit to all that length and athleticism Houston had that was fed by their tenacity on D paired with a game plan put in place that was as if Houston watched every minute of our season within the last 36 hours. Props to them.

It was obvious Houston was a nightmare matchup for us for very obvious reasons. Sometimes those orange colored glasses can jade ones lucid thought.

Still very proud of our guys. They fought hard today.
It's a fun community, brother, and we're glad to have you. Even better days are ahead. :illinois:
Thank you, sir. I agree. A few refreshments and I couldn’t stay away. :) I have to say, AC, CH, BBV, BL and the freshman have known nothing but going to the tourney now. If we can keep them, pretty soon everyone on the team will think this is just the normal noises. Today was tough, but in the big picture, it’s progress. Love this board, love this team!!!
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