Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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How times have changed........

It's almost unfathomable that someone from Utah Valley is a prospective NBA draftee, and yet a 1st team All-American is not.
Utah Valley isn't even Fresno State, but a tad reminiscent of Paul George going #10 in 2010 while Sherron Collins went undrafted. Of course, the scouts ended up being correct on that eval.

Joel Goodson

Belo's problem is when things get stalled (our offence) he over tries to make things happen. When 3 pointers aren't falling and people are not making plays he forces a pass into a very small window or tries to be the one to score against the odds. Some time it works some times it doesn't. Because he sees things that others don't players often find a ball in their face that they were not expecting or are ready to do something with. Surround him with athletic shooters he can feed and player that can outlet and run the flour like when Ayo was last year and he will shine. Hope it's here. ILL

Pretty much this. He needs improved risk assessment and better decision making (they go hand in hand). There's no doubt he's special, just needs to tighten things up.
Would like to see Curbelo stay if he can cut down the turnovers and get a jump shot. If we lose him and don't get Skyy Clark, that really only leaves a true freshman at point guard. Ouch! Excited about the freshman class. Especially Rodgers and Epps for now. I think Harris has tons of potential. Will be very interesting to see how Kofi and Dainja (?) play together and if Payne sticks around (if Kofi stays). I think no matter what this team needs to become more athletic with more size in the backcourt. Give me some more Gill, Anderson, Battle teams. Athletes. My two cents.
I could be wrong, but I thought Podz was a point guard. I remember BU saying one reason Podz didn't get much playing time was because he played the same position as Frazier and Belo.
Would love for Clark to be here but didn't he just get through visiting the Jay Hawks? He is still shopping I imagine.
Would love for Clark to be here but didn't he just get through visiting the Jay Hawks? He is still shopping I imagine.
I hope Clark and all the optimism is warranted and something to be excited about given his relationship with Tim Anderson. That being said I think NIL is very important too and that our players have an opportunity to earn as much or more here than elsewhere. I mean if an athlete could earn a good bit more money elsewhere would it out weigh a relationship with a coach. Or if they could earn more here that could help us get players too. Recruiting is vastly different and more complex than just 2 years ago due to NIL. I expect how much money they can earn could and will have a big impact on recruiting
For all the speculation about Belo leaving, his posts sound optimistic that he will return. Examples being his instagram post including "#WeWillBeBack" and "Coming back stronger than ever". This is no guarantee he comes back, but these posts make it sound like he's out the door and just figuring out where to.
The "10 toes" comment was also used by both TA and Belo in their posts after the Houston game.


Mom! The Meatloaf!
Gotta say, this is the first time I've ever heard "Barry Sanders* type player" mean anything other than "generational talent and one of the all-time greats"

*just for clarity, we are talking about the Barry Sanders that is a Heisman winner, a unanimous All-American, NFL Offensive ROY, two-time NFL Offensive POY, NFL MVP and Pro Football Hall of Famer? Not some other Barry Sanders that could plausibly described as doing "as much damage as help"?
The poster obviously meant "Bernie Sanders type player."
I could be wrong, but I thought Podz was a point guard. I remember BU saying one reason Podz didn't get much playing time was because he played the same position as Frazier and Belo.
I think this is the typical Underwood coachspeak (aka BS). He was labeled a SG by everyone coming out of H.S., so I'll go by that.
Pods really impressed me in very limited playing time. Some beautiful drives to the basket. Nice looking outside shot.

The athleticism and size are good - I am sure he will gain strength.

He and RJ are excellent athletes.

Luke has size and strength but maybe not the same athleticism.

Andre' handles were fine in 2020. I think he was still impacted by injury and tried to do to much hero ball as team was struggling. Next year he should be fully recovered and more mature. Ayo and Kofi made big improvements under Brad and I think Ayo can do the same. If Ayo can be lights out on the mid range jumper people will have to play him tighter which will open up the passing lanes.
Pods really impressed me in very limited playing time. Some beautiful drives to the basket. Nice looking outside shot.

The athleticism and size are good - I am sure he will gain strength.

He and RJ are excellent athletes.

Luke has size and strength but maybe not the same athleticism.

Andre' handles were fine in 2020. I think he was still impacted by injury and tried to do to much hero ball as team was struggling. Next year he should be fully recovered and more mature. Ayo and Kofi made big improvements under Brad and I think Ayo can do the same. If Ayo can be lights out on the mid range jumper people will have to play him tighter which will open up the passing lanes.
Surprised Podz didn't get more PT with some of the struggles the backcourt had. BU was glued to the seniors(understandable), but almost to a fault. RJ had his appendectomy situation, which was a set back, but he and Goode should(IMO) gotten much more action, even if just a token 10 minutes. They were definitely a spark late.


Surprised Podz didn't get more PT with some of the struggles the backcourt had. BU was glued to the seniors(understandable), but almost to a fault. RJ had his appendectomy situation, which was a set back, but he and Goode should(IMO) gotten much more action, even if just a token 10 minutes. They were definitely a spark late.
Any chance RJ or Luke are still growing? I thought that was mentioned over the last year.


Pretty much this. He needs improved risk assessment and better decision making (they go hand in hand). There's no doubt he's special, just needs to tighten things up.
I agree. That said, his own comments before the Houston game reflect that he does not feel this way. He essentially brushed off this exact criticism saying that he was a player that took risks others do not and that is what makes him who he is. The problem is that he seemingly has not learned risk assessment, when to gamble and when to not. Can he learn this? Absolutely. Will he? No idea, but I am super curious about that halftime conversation between he and the coaches which resulted in his sitting out the half after the 6 turnovers. Love the guy and hope he stays to grow into his full potential.
For all the speculation about Belo leaving, his posts sound optimistic that he will return. Examples being his instagram post including "#WeWillBeBack" and "Coming back stronger than ever". This is no guarantee he comes back, but these posts make it sound like he's out the door and just figuring out where to.
Near as I can tell, only talk of Curbelo not coming back is in the echo chamber of this board. One person speculates that his second half benching has left him dissatisfied, and it snowballs from there. But I’ve seen nothing outside of this board that makes me think anything other than he’s planning to come back.
Andre just has to watch how top NBA PGs like Chris Paul, Kyle Lowery, Fred Van Fleete operate. You can make the great pass without throwing it away half the time.

Chris Paul career 10 apg 2 turnover per game
Kyle Lowery career 6 apg 2 turnovers


2020 4.2 apg 2.6 turnovers
2021 3.1 apg 2.8 turnovers

Andre want to play in NBA. He has a long way to go. He loses the ball by too much dribbling in traffic and forces too many passes. he has to be able to hit the mid range jumper and wide open three.
Well when you say home, East Coast, and Legend that all points to Syracuse. He played high school ball in New York and Boeheim is a legendary coach. He's also 77 years old and all the coaches of his ilk are retiring now. How many years does he have left?

You could count me as a Belo hater. I think he does some amazing things on the court, but he can also do as much damage as help. I kinda view him as a Barry Sanders type player. He does some things that make you stand up and say wow. Then he will follow that up by trying too hard and making turnovers that ruin the offense. It makes it hard to sustain momentum. Of course if he can ever limit the unforced turnovers and just get 90% good Belo, he's 1st team All Conference and a potential All American. So I think what separates a hater from a lover is often those that focus on what can be, not necessarily what we're currently seeing.

For me personally, if he leaves and we get Skyy Clark and a superstar mystery 2 guard, I won't be heart broken. I'd prefer more experienced ball handlers, but with Epps, Clark, new guy, and Rodgers, I think we could get the ball up the court. Now if Clark doesn't come and a transfer isn't much of a combo guy, a transfer could be trouble.

Think if you see Belo as the guy we had the last half of his FR year, you would have to disagree with this analysis. He had an almost triple double one game, was not turning it over, was rebounding at a high level and was making shots.
He never found that rhythm this year. He was great on the effort stuff this year - rebounding, defense. Bu the skill part - shooting, passing without turning it over, etc., he never got his mojo back.
Hopefully the farther he gets from the concussion (which had to be very severe given the time he sat out), the more that will come back. I will agree that, when he cam back this year, he tried to play how he was playing at the end of last year and turned the ball over too much and missed too many shots. I think the question is whether Belo fully recovers from the concussion, not whether he consciously tries to play better and under more control.
When is the last time an Illini player developed a jump shot as a guard at his age? His form seems fine.

His form is actually quite bad if you watch him closely. Seems like he pushes the ball rather than releasing above his head and also kicks his legs on every shot.
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