Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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What about the same gifs posted over and over again as though they are somehow still funny or clever?
jethro clever.jpg
Sorry of topic for one second:

With my kid in champaign for college visit......whats the best place for lunch???

BTW- Just saw Omar Payne walking down 1st Avenue
Watsons(Chicken Place) , Black dog(BBQ), Seven Saints sorta everything
Seven Saints Cheese curds are da bomb.
Huaraches Moroleon >>>>>> Maize
Jupiter's Pizzeria
Better watch out. The legitimacy police are going to get you. I got slammed yesterday for suggesting that a retired sports journalist with 7,000 followers MIGHT have more information than your average message board poster. Thankfully Chuck Nuggets set me straight with his 3rd post ever to the IL board. 😂
Pro Wrestling Fight GIF by Xbox
One of these is not like the others..........
This you?

For real though, I don't know why so many of the new posters to this board have been bashing insiders of late, but it needs to stop. For one, the last hour has offered evidence that your doubts were probably wrong. But in either case, tons of people come to this board for their tidbits, knowing that what they pass along may or may not end up being how the situation plays out. We've been over this ad nauseam, but it's a scoop (or prediction based on a scoop), not gospel. Lville has been wrong plenty of times, sure (most have), but I think I can speak for most of this board when I say we'd much rather have him here sharing what he is hearing -- even if it turns out to be wrong -- than have a board that's even more chock full of uninformed speculation and incessant posts complaining about the demise of the program, "nothing burger" days, and so on.
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