Penn State 74, Illinois 59 Postgame

After watching today I am concerned about switching everything. If we had 5 guys like TSJ, Meyer, Coleman, Ty, and big PG like Bardo was then fine but it's going to be difficult vs good experienced teams that can exploit miss matches vs Dain and our smaller guards.
If an opponent tried to switch everything vs us I would think our bigger guys would exploit our opposition trying to cover them with a player 6'3" or less and not nearly as physical and if they were doubled we could pass out to make others get better looks. I feel that Underwood may need to rethink switching everything with our smaller guys like he does Dain. He has changed before. Good teams will take advantage of us switching everything just like we would if someone tried that against us.
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Hoping we didn’t have any recruits at todays game, or in the post game media room, or in the locker room, or listening on the radio, or talking to guys on the team, or reading things online….
Also hoping recruits had weddings to attend, or family reunions, or school commitments, or cable services outages, or internet failures, or loss of electricity….
Brad gets pissed. I think players respect that. You want a coach that is passionate and pushes you to excel. I think recruits would be fine with that.
It all comes down to effort, having an edge and competing. We didn’t have that and that’s on the players. It happens in sports. Sometimes a team just comes out flat.

i hope prior to our game in HV later this season, someone plays video of the penn state players doing that little
”put to bed” gesture with about four minutes to go. We need to exact revenge. I would like to think we WILL be up for the rematch.
Brad is mad.

Now he will have to back it up with making whatever changes need to be made or else his credibility will be shot.
I'm not sure his "credibility will be shot"... buuuuuut he did say he 'saw this coming 2 days and 2 practices ago,' and still marched out the same starters.

I know, "it doesn't matter who starts", but if Sencire is the 'only one who is giving 100% effort' why not start him or play him more minutes? 5 other players had more minutes than he did. I love Brad's fire, but even I found the incessant screaming to be a bit much today, especially when it didn't seem to change anything.
After watching today I am concerned about switching everything. If we had 5 guys like TSJ, Meyer, Coleman, Ty, and big PG like Bardo was then fine but it's going to be difficult vs good experienced teams that can exploit miss matches vs Dain and our smaller guards.
If an opponent tried to switch everything vs us I would think our bigger guys would exploit our opposition trying to cover them with a player 6'3" or less and not nearly as physical and if they were doubled we could pass out to make others get better looks. I feel that Underwood may need to rethink switching everything with our smaller guys like he does Dain. He has changed before. Good teams will take advantage of us switching everything just like we would if someone tried that against us.

I don't think that style works well, especially in league play. PSU exploited over and over again today. They got us caught in the switches to get mismatches and also took advantage of miscommunications to get downhill and score in the paint.

We tried it early in his tenure too but abandoned it. It's better to fight through screens and just play tough and solid. Trent and previous guys got really good at that.

We also need to stop leaving the floor on every ball fake and for the love of everything stop banging into three point shooters. We have to lead the world in fouls on threes. That's just bad fundamentals.
It most certainly is the time for jokes. Need something to lighten the mood around here.
Animated GIF
The system that a coach implements most certainly impacts a game. When we overplayed passing lanes and extended or D when BU first arrived we got torched and gave up tons of lay ups. Some players do fit in certain schemes and not others. Big guys like Dain n Kofi can't switch and nor can little guards on to big guys. Finding and exploring mismatches and oppositions defenses weaknesses is a big part of coaches do.
BU has made changes over the course of a season. Durin games he has too but maybe not as quickly as he should have. I bet we take a different approach with Pickett next time we play. Epps, Harris, and Skyy just don't match up vs him and PSU exploited it.
Others may have struggled some too but could have been more effective. Piper asked BU that more or less in the press conference if he thought PSU exploited the switching with Pickett. He said it didn't matter because they didn't switch last year and he did it too. Well maybe but I disagree because Harris or Epps are easier for Pickett to score on tham someone longer and more athletic like Rodgers or TSJ. I am not buying that answer. We should have tried to do something different. I bet we take a different schr o that again next time we play Pickett because if we don't he will kill us again.
I guess I didn’t see what you see, and I don’t agree with what this team needs. Whatever it is, I hope these guys buy in.
Keep playing like this and we will have many more games we aren’t favored to win.
Whatever. Keep playing like this? This is the first game we've played like this. I don't see this as a pattern. Don't care about being favored either. Means nothing as long as we win. So I guess you'll have to put that negative attitude on hold.
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My biggest concern through the preseason was our offense and defense both relied too much on just out athleting the other teams, and that good big ten coaches who have plenty of time to scout and plenty of tape to look at will pick this thing apart. And now we're 0-2 and just lost one of easiest big ten games of the year (per kenpom but also just by looking at the big ten). I think this style of play could be good in March when teams don't have much time to prepare, but I think it might suck in January and February.
We should not lose sight of the fact that only 3 players on this team played much last year...and one is out for another month. Great athletes but too many guys who have never played a min. in the B1G or with each other. Essentially 5 frosh in that regard are playing important roles. Consequently, when they all play hard and well, we get solid games, big runs, and great comebacks. But, for the most part, there is much to learn in how to play well every night...and those requirements change.

Meanwhile, a tip of the cap to PSU as they played a spectacular offensive game and good defense for the most part. They had an old team and gave our youngsters a lesson or two which we all hoped will be recognized, adjusted to, and forever responded to correctly in the future. Still love our guys and it is a pleasure to watch them grow....but growth sometimes has to be acquired the hard way.

Will they play like this again? It is possible. But will they allow it to happen? Need to find a way to score from all sources. Sure liked Ty showing what he can do inside to score, along with his defense and hitting the boards. The tip in by Harris was one of the best plays so far this season. Gotta get more production from TSJ and CoHawk on the offensive end. We were spoiled by Shannon's shooting earlier, but lately he has thrown up too many air balls from the arc, way too many for a guy who should be able to score inside like PSU did.

Now for a game where motivation is a challenge before a trip to St. Louis. Fortunately, Mizzou is no longer undefeated, but they are still a threat as they have had success simply by outworking the Illini in the Braggin' Rights game. Long row to hoe if this team wants to win a B1G title and get to the dance. Right now, they are perceived as a bubble team by too many as they have shown no consistency. Time to put that talent and depth to work.
Whatever wasn't successful. I don't necessarily buy this was a loss due to lack of effort.

-They shot 50% from 3
-we had more turnovers than they did
-We missed alot of FTs

On our D...I like when we mix it up a little on D.

PSU 2d half was an offensive clinic against us.

Their coach is really good.
Lack of effort. Lack of attention to detail. Lack of knowing the scouting report. Lack of intensity because we were playing lowly Penn st
We sucked, they didn' 40 years of watching, this is our pattern with the exception of very few years. Right now this team is capable of winning it all and losing in the round of of 32(again). The beauty and anguish is we don't know what it will be.
Lack of effort. Lack of attention to detail. Lack of knowing the scouting report. Lack of intensity because we were playing lowly Penn st
Finally got to watch the postgame by BU. Sounds like 2 practices were atrocious before game. which makes me wonder if he lit up during those (ref effort). I'd rather him unload and course correct "competing agendas" during practice than on game day.

In retrospect, it's probably good that we lost, if we sucked so much in game prep (rather than reinforce bad habits)
The atmosphere is much better with the krush down low than without. I've been going since the 70s and to act like the environment was better before is ridiculous. If it's cold or an 8 pm start there were empty seats all over before this switch to move the Krush. The only empty seats I saw today were a few reserved ones for Penn States few fans. The seats are more full and involved in the game now with engaged young people and looks much better on tv than ever before. We were all students once now it's thier turn. Plus you can still get good seats if you try. I've sat in the old A section everytime I've gone this year or 2nd row in Vegas.
I agree. Why they took the Orange Krush seats away today behind the basket is a mystery. For $? They didn’t even fill the sectio up and there was a section on the other end behind the basket virtually empty and yet they turned students away. JW you goofed on this one
I think there’s a difference between taking threes when you have the chance and stopping the offense to run a clearout. It’s great when he’s on a heater but there were a couple of times today when he did it, didn’t take the shot, and we were left with eight seconds on the clock and nobody else in a position to score. We need him to get his, it just has to be done within the offense.

I don’t get where folks are coming from when complaining about the system. The guys on the court weren’t all singing from the same hymnal and it doesn’t matter what system you play if you don’t execute like that. Even the beloved pack line, the boneless skinless chicken breast of basketball, doesn’t work if you don’t execute the plan.

I honestly think you can succeed with virtually any system, you just need to actually run it well. We’ve been generally excellent on d up until today, despite having a lot of lapses on the glass and in transition. Whatever it is that we were supposed to do, I’m pretty sure we weren’t doing it.
I don’t necessarily disagree with anything you said, except that your first thought in your original post was that Epps should start next week for Mayer. Like I said Mayer hasn’t played great necessarily, but neither has Epps consistently.

This next statement is not aimed specifically at you or any kind of indictment of your basketball knowledge, but in general when I see player X should be starting over player Y, one of my first thoughts is, “wow, we have someone on the board that is more knowledgeable than our head coach and assistants about basketball, this team and how all the pieces fit within the offensive and defensive systems. Does Mayer need to play better? Yes. And yes he had some clear outs that didn’t end well. So did CoHawk as well as some very questionable shots at times. Heck I wish TSJ had more clear outs cuz he seems to be lost since his head got whacked.

As to the defensive system, you are right they were not executing well. I asked this question earlier in the thread but got no response, so maybe you can tell me. Was PSU’s success from 3 today more a combination of hot shooting and poor execution by Illini or is there a underlying weakness that other teams might be able to exploit? I realize if Illini is executing perfectly, it wouldn’t be an issue but how often does that happen game to game. Just curious if PSU’s blueprint will be something other teams try to follow. Today and against VA when the ran the two-man game to take advantages of mismatches are the only time I’ve really wondered about the system (not that we shouldn’t run it, but just identifying potential weaknesses) this season.

Again, the comment earlier was not aimed at you specifically. For all I know you’re a 3-time IL HS coach of the year and the key presenter at coaching clinics across the country. Thanks in advance to any response about my D question.
Hoping we didn’t have any recruits at todays game, or in the post game media room, or in the locker room, or listening on the radio, or talking to guys on the team, or reading things online….
Also hoping recruits had weddings to attend, or family reunions, or school commitments, or cable services outages, or internet failures, or loss of electricity….
You think recruits don’t know what they’re getting with Underwood? Sure maybe he went a little overboard, but as I believe someone pointed out earlier I’m sure yesterday’s presser was not even close to the first time he’s talked about/yelled at those things with the team before. He took that approach because however he was saying it before the message wasn’t being received. I think it is fair to say it has been now.

Heck I hope our top recruiting targets were watching. 1. Because if they are scared or put off by tough coaching/talk, it’s probably not gonna work here for them. 2. If they are leaders their likely response is gonna be, “you want a leader , well that’s what you’re getting” and not “I think I’m a leader, but maybe not and that coach is really mean.” Recruits know what they’re getting with BU. And if one didn’t I’d rather he see something like that so he does. And if it is too much for him, then he shouldn’t come her cuz BU not likely changing.